
IMDb member since January 2019
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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

As a huge tmnt fan i tried and.........
I have never left a review for any show before. This show made me feel the need to share my thoughts in hopes that somehow it makes a difference. I am 34 yeara old and grew up watching tmnt as a kid. Ive watched every version from the cartoons,comics,movies even the horrible knock off power rangers when they had the girl turtle venus lol. So with all that said i was both excited and sad to see a new tmnt show. I was excited because its tmnt how could it be bad me and my 4 year old son love tmnt. Sad because we both loved the last version and watched every episode of every season and have just about every action figure from that series. When i first saw the announcement of the show i was already worried when i saw all the changes but wanted to give it a fair shot because again we are huge tmnt fans and raph as the leader made me happy because he has always been my fav. So it finally comes out and we watch the first episode. My first thoughts are it tries way to hard to be teen titans go. Then i see splinter and think wow they really ruined him. Even after all that there was still a few things i liked such as john cenas new bad guy i thought might give fresh life to the show and a whole new lot of action figures. Now we have watched them all and i cant help but wonder why. Why would they ruin tmnt like this. Every episode i tried so hard to convince myself to enjoy this show and just couldn't. I get that its format is aimed towards kids but this 10 min no story format is just sad. Tmnt has always been a great story for kids that showed working hard and training to overcome endless villains that were better armed and better fighters. The last series had just the right amount of action,story, and comedy that my kid loved it and i enjoyed it for the amazing story. This series has literally no story. They might as well just have anvils fall on their heads and tnt boxes and paint tunnels on walls that bad guys run into. This show is basicslly teen titans go meets loony tunes. Maybe kids like it but any parent that grew up watching this show that wants to enjoy it with their kids is gonna be greatly disappointed. If your child is older than a toddler i can't see them enjoying it becuse there is no meat to this just shiny colors and lame one liners with 0 story. This show is basically 10 min commericals for new toys. Very disappointed and sad they ruined my all time favorite heros

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