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Jonathan Creek: The Three Gamblers
Episode 6, Season 3

The one I remember the most
This episode is not the best, not the cleverest, not the best written but it is the one I remember the most. Why? Because the first time I saw it I worked it out from minute one. As soon as they asked 'how does a corpse climb a flight of stairs?', well, to me, there was only one solution; it was in a basement, it had rained, it must have flooded and the corpse must have floated to the top of the stairs and when the water subsided it stayed there. I was astounded and pleased with myself when it turned out I was correct; the first time I'd ever worked out any type of mystery on tv. That's why it's the most memorable episode of this show and indeed any mystery show for me. Not for any other reason unfortunately.

Destination Fear

0% science. 100% bull**it
Dakota opens the show saying the series is about conducting an experiment into fear and the effect on the human mind. What?? Total bull**it!

The show is about four spoilt kids with a camera, creeping around dark buildings and screaming and freaking out at the slightest noise. They gather no credible evidence because as soon as something happens they run away.

There is zero point to this show. There is zero talent. There is zero credibility. There is zero investigation. There is absolutely zero valuable insight: 'This is creepy', 'What was that?', 'This sucks', 'I don't want to be here!', 'Why are we doing this?'.

They spend more time complaining about the location, rather than just shut up and gather evidence, which is what they're there to do.

They love to use superlatives too: 'That was like, the scariest thing ever!', 'That was the most scared I've ever been in my life.' And don't get me started on Chelsea. She does not stop crying or screaming. She offers nothing useful whatsoever. Pretty much like the whole show which is a complete waste of time.

Worst. Paranormal. Show. Ever.

Not even worth one star.

Trending Fear

Someone's been watching Ghost Adventures
I rate this a big fat zero!

This show has all the ridiculous patter - (THUD) 'What was that?' - 'Did you hear that?' - 'My camera battery just died!' - 'Are you serious!?' - 'Feel this cold spot right here!' Omg, if you think Ghost Adventures is bad, your brain cells will simply melt away with this utter crap. These guys have no idea what they are doing except use spiel they've obviously heard from the many other ghost hunter shows and they do it very unconvincingly. Please remove this from Discovery Plus. I feel stupid knowing I'm funding this rubbish.

One Foot in the Grave: The Man Who Blew Away
Episode 1, Season 5

Shouldn't have answered the phone.
You can't help thinking that Victor doesn't do himself any favours when he answers the phone at 9.30 on a Sunday morning after a night of no sleep thanks to Mrs Aylesbury's party across the road. For god's sake unplug the phone or just ignore it. But if you'd done that we wouldn't have had this wonderful episode full of absolute torture, tragedy and downright hilarity. 'Oh, by the way, that address you gave me doesn't actually exist'. After hosting someone for a whole day and hating every single minute of it, not to mention unwittingly feeding the little sods from across the road, you'd think they'd be glad to see the back of this 'small man with the moustache' but in keeping with his on-the-whole generous nature, Victor allows mr Foskett to stay after receiving terrible news that his wife has left him and taken his children. After a very embarrassing suicide attempt that goes wrong on the roof of their house, word gets back to the Meldrews that Mr Foskett has finally thrown himself from the window of the police station while in their care and killed himself. This isn't supposed to be funny but with the subsequent bequeathal of his entire collection of false teeth arriving in the post, to quote Victor - 'if we couldn't laugh at this, we'd be committing suicide'.

Masters of the Universe: Revelation: Poisoned Chalice
Episode 2, Season 1

Erm..... where is He-Man
Totally absent of He-Man, this series is fast becoming disappointing to say the least. It's hyper-feminist and feels more like I'm watching She-Ra. I'm not against feminism but it's thrust in our face here for the sake of it being 2021 and massively overdone. One more episode like this one and I'm switching off.

Mr. Bean: Do-It-Yourself Mr. Bean
Episode 9, Season 1

Kids love this
This is the first episode I showed to my class of Spanish kids in English class and they couldn't stop laughing. The child-like Mr Bean is a hit with all ages and nationalities so I'll be selecting a few more.

Star Trek: Discovery: Brother
Episode 1, Season 2

Like The Orville taking the mick out of Star Trek
Was I watching Star Trek? Or was it The Orville that used to make you think you were watching something that was paradoying Star Trek? What I was watching was rubbish. The humour from the red-haired woman (Tilly, an aspiring captain) acting like a nervous and clumsy schoolgirl trying to impress people was pathetic. Please! I turned off after twenty minutes as this became too much and I remembered that she was one of the reasons I didn't like the first season. Tilly and the very deep human element of some of the characters, far from making this show interesting, just makes it annoying, boring and excruciating to watch. Nothing will bring me back to this show, even if the much mentioned Spock (about 30 times in the first twenty minutes) makes an appearance. Bye bye.

Yogi's First Christmas

Firm childhood favourite
Feel good family movie with a decent moral to it, this is a HB cartoon movie that is often overlooked which is a real shame. Great animation, wonderful characters and lots of laughs. I never really watched Yogi Bear cartoons as a kid, but this was me and my sister's favourite Christmas cartoon of all time. We used to put it on almost every morning for about three months during the run up to Christmas and then for about two months after. Watching it as an adult brings back many warm and wonderful memories. Yes, it's full of plot-holes and goofs such as Boo Boo being present at Yogi's skiing lesson and back at the lodge at the same time, but I don't care. The DVD for this now goes on at Christmas time for my young nieces and nephews, mainly as an excuse for us to watch it, but they do love it too, along with A Flintstone Christmas.

Only Fools and Horses: Chain Gang
Episode 3, Season 6

A proper caper
The best episodes of OFAH are the ones that Include lots of our beloved characters involved in a proper caper. Here, the boys form a consortium to buy 259 gold chains for a bargain price. All expect to clean up but it all goes pear-shaped and they have to work together in order to get their dosh back. Brilliantly written and performed, this episode gives us everything we want to see; dodgy deals, wheeling, dealing, cock-ups, sly scheming and a clever resolution that sees our boys winning in the end. You can't pull the wool over Del's eyes and expect to get away with it!

Seinfeld: The Smelly Car
Episode 21, Season 4

Do molecules really desmellify? I doubt that's a word but it's another reason why this Seinfeld episode smells so sweet. George's ex's 'metamorphosis' into lesbianism, an evil, mutant-like BO that just won't desmellify. It's all neuroticism at its best.

Seinfeld: The Label Maker
Episode 12, Season 6

Can't help but wonder...
Amazing episode. One of the few I started recording on vhs so seen it a lot and for that reason it has always stood out for me. One thing I've wondered with this show, how is the audience in on the joke about menaje a trois and such when it was probably recorded a few nights previous and not been aired yet? Anyhoo, this is one of the best with all the favourite characters giving us their best.

Seinfeld: The Cartoon
Episode 13, Season 9

Not the best by any stretch
Any reviewer that says this is one of the best Seinfeld episodes and that Seinfeld series 9 is one of the best DOES NOT have a clue about Seinfeld. This episode is far from being up there with any of the best and most Seinfeld fans will tell you that.


Beyond bad.
Despite the trailer for this film being on Spanish TV four or five times every commercial break for 5 months (particularly on TeleCinco) and getting completely sick of the sight of it, I was dragged to this piece of trash by my young nephew. He soon regretted it. He is 11 and even he thought it was utter crap. It was complete garbage from start to finish: not funny, bad acting, stupid story, terrible cast, embarrassingly amateurish rubbish film. Do not bother with this pile of dog's business (I don't know if I can swear properly on these reviews).

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