
IMDb member since January 2019
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The Zone of Interest

This isn't The Grey Zone
This isn't The Grey Zone or like any other holocaust movie you've seen before. This caught my attention on social media a while ago and it came up on Prime. I'd already seen comments regarding the sound and I understand now why i was seeing repetitions of those comments. It's an edgy artistic take if you will, which still feels haunting due to the almost constant rumblings of the furnaces in the background. Some will this boring unless you already have good knowledge or keen interest about this period in time and/ or have visited Auschwitz. It is well filmed, oddly and uncomfortable at times, but there is never gore or visual horror. It is more psychologically subtle, but you need the known context to feel it. I consider myself knowledgable on the holocaust and have visited Auschwitz and seen many a documentary but still would benefit from watching this again to pick up on things I may have missed. The viewer I would say needs to have knowledge to pick up on some subtleties in the day to day chat between family and visitors. 'Canada' for example and the falling of ash. There were others which have already slipped my mind. I didn't quite catch what Rudolph found in the river whilst fishing. The grandma who at first was impressed at the improvements made around the home on her visit either was unaware initially of the real business but soon worked it out and had to leave. Again, you need knowledge of Auschwitz and the holocaust to pick up on everything and it won't be for everyone without it. I liked it and would watch again.

Murdered by My Father

Needs another episode.
This was a harrowing watch and you hope for a happy ending. Boy loves girl, girl loves boy. Girl is torn by her heart and tradition and very much tries to follow the path set for her and to honour the promise, but her heart just can't. It's 70 minutes long and ends abruptly, leaving you shell shocked and full of questions. Perhaps that is the intention but I could easily have watched another hour. So much tragedy happens in the final 10 minutes, there were moments where the father asked her to leave and you hoped that she would and then chaos ensues, it's prolonged and difficult to watch. You're left with questions and wondering whah happens next. It's a good drama, well cast but be prepared for the rawness.

After Life

Believe all the high ratings and praise. It's funny, heartwarming and beautiful, from start to finish.

There is so much to say about this show, but I will simply ask that you watch and see for yourself.

A masterpiece.

The Pact

Why the poor reviews?
Came to leave a healthy 8 star review to find so many 1's and 2's. Not deserved IMO. Enjoyable little mystery drama.

Too Close

How are the streets not full of wrecked people?
Hard hitting drama showing how easy it could be to be pushed to breaking point with the right set of circumstances. Also how we can pre judge without knowing the full picture. It's a slow burn but outstanding from start to finish.

Your Honor

Twists and turns
Very enjoyable and gripping. I don't feel some of the low ratings are fair at all. The kid is unpredictable but, that does make for some open mouth what's going to happen next moments.


Not bad at all.
Enjoyable, realistic and intense. As others have said, it feels genuine. Quite a few will they won't they moments and now it makes me think that glass wouldn't trigger a metal detector.

New Amsterdam

New Amsterdam is THE new medical drama.
There's a new medical drama on the scene and New Amsterdam has become my new favourite. Loved Greys and Chicago Med amongst others. NA is really enjoyable once you get to know the characters and their back story. Throw in the occasional disaster, medical mystery and troubled Dr's lives and you'll be hooked.

It's a Sin

This is hard to put in words.
This was an education. It's brilliant, it's fun, there's an outstanding cast and it is absolutely heart breaking. I hope everyone involved in this show is so so proud. Sorry this isn't much of a review, it's hard to put in words how I feel after watching this. Just give it a go, with an open heart and learn and respect. You will laugh and you will cry.

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