
IMDb member since January 2019
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    IMDb Member
    5 years



Good film. Well worth watching.
This is a good film. The guy is a Heart specialist not a boat mechanic yet everyone complains about his inability to fix a boat engine or lawn mower. How are the two related. I can fix an engine so should I be able to mend a human heart 🤣.Priceless medical hands rarely risk injury. Everyone has opinions and think that they know best and that is the norm. Detectives assuming that he killed his family for the insurance etc etc. In real life there are people just that stupid. So it really is not far fetched at all. Watch it and make your own mind up.

I have changed my opinion as I have recently watched quite a few 2 star films that have been edge-of-your seat stuff and some deadly boring 5 star movies. I no longer give star ratings any credit. Especially as people are now "credited" for highly rating certain movies/games/albums etc.

Miss Violence

Spoilers: Should be banned. Who writes and directs something like this? Who wants to act in it????
Free on Amazon prime....The acting was believable. The subject matter is appalling. The film starts with an 11 year olds suicide. Most of the film has you trying to piece together who was related to who. We spent most of the film hoping that it was too obvious to be what it looked like. Then near the end of the film you are hit with the sick reality. A sickening scene of a child being rented out to be raped by grown men, including her father. This was a family tradition in this big family of mentally scarred and unstable women/female children highly controlled by a pervert. The children were both the mans children and Grand children at the same time. It really bothered my wife and I so much that we had to watch something shallow and light before we went to bed. There is never a need to try to shock using this perverse and sickening type of film. What is wrong with these film makers? It is highly perverted and so unnecessary. Wish we hadn't watched this.

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