
IMDb member since January 2019
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Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

A new take on a beloved franchise
I've been a fan of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles for over 30 years now and with every reboot my love for the turtle boys grows. I was overjoyed when a new series was announced after the amazing 2012 series ended and awaited details with baited breath. However, when the first details were released and the shift in team roles and personalities were reveleaed (my fav Leo was no longer going to be the leader) my instant reaction was 'No!' In my mind, the change was too much and it would no longer be the show I loved. When the official artwork was released, I liked the style and design of each turtle but I was still hung up on my initial, knee jerk reaction. However, I love this franchise so much, I owed it at least a try and was determined to watch a few episodes. And boy, was I glad I did!! After just the first episode I was hooked!! It was colourful and pleasing to the eye, the action/fight scenes are smooth, electric and had me wanting more. And the humour is brilliant! Yeah it's a bit cheesy at times but more often than not it has me laughing and smiling. As for the shift in team roles/dynamics, it's clear from the start this is only temporary. This show is truly 'Rise' of the turtles, before they become ninja masters. The turtles are just kids, learning their way and role in the world. And they're having fun while they do. It's a refreshing take on a known story, you could even see it as a prequel to any of the other series'. Whenever I watch this show, I feel like I'm a kid again, quickly catching an episode of my favourite show before I head of for school and then excitedly talking with my friends about it; and at the end of the day, is there a better feeling a cartoon can invoke?

This show will not be to everyone's taste, and that is 100% fine. The joy and brilliance of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle franchise is it is whatever you want in to be!! And there's something for everyone; cartoons, movies, comics, video games, toys!! You'll always find a version you like but whatever you pick, we're all united by our love of 4 Turtle Boys 🐢🐢🐢🐢

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