
IMDb member since January 2019
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On the Line

As a thriller it has some good concepts, nothing new. At the beginning it was kind of tense, but then it looses it. The scene of the roof top was a good one. What was with the Jesus guy? Was it there to show us how good of a negotiatior Mel is?

So as a thriller is maybe a 5 or 6/10, but the ending made me feel I wasted my time. The plot twist was unexpected, but the plot twist on a plot twist I could see it comming.

Cant say I would recomend this movie, most probablly I would talk about it and tell the ending bc no one would watch it.

Text text I am missing 33 characters, yes thats thirty three.

Puss in Boots: The Last Wish

Better tha expected
Fun, funny, good adventure, great animation.

When I couldnt think of more fairy tales characters the come with tje 3 bears that just where such good characters.

The wolf was very menazing, maybe tje last fight or the resolution of it could have bein better. Maybe not so as he leaving frustrated but he leaving with a feeling of comformity necause now Puss is living his life as he should.

I didnt get who the bad guy was based on, tjey said a nursery rime, but for me not being from an english speaking country I didnt get who he was.

Perrito was anoying at first, he is the tupical comedic reliefe, but his precense was used in the plot, buy annoying.

Defenitly I will watch it again and recomend it, and if it hold up then I leave a 10.


I thinknthis movie is overhyped and overrated. It is just famous because is not the Barbie one, meme culture had to pick a movie to memerize and this one was dark and serious so lets conpare it to Barbie.

The first hour or so I felt like watching a movie trailer, there was always this music in the background, all short scenes and takes with poetic dialogs. That was tiering.

The story was over complicated, just show stuff chronollogically, there where like 3 time sets, you can tell them apart but still.

It woild have being easier if they let us know in the beginning what this trial and hearing were about.

I really wanted to see the mental tourture that gives you creating an atomic bomb and knowi g that bc of you thousands of innocents died, but that was shown at the end and barelly To me is a 5, maybe in tje future I ll watch it again to see if I change my mind.

The Meg

Surprisingly noy bad
I expected a more goofy movie, with awfull vfx and acting.

Vfx where suprinsingly good for most part, there were not many instances that 3D models of effects in genereal drew me off.

The acting was ok, of course you won't give your 100% for tjis kind of movie.

The story was fine, tjere was a nice ish way to justify why megalodons havent bein seen in years, but you don't watch this for the plot.

This is a movie to watch with friends and talk over it and make fun of it . Tjere could have being more action, because the shark swallos everything in one bite is not that violent, like Jaws, when Bruce can drag you arround and dismember you.

It was fun, to me is a 4 bc it is just like a party movie to watch in comany, but for that there are a lot of better goofier movies.

Cape Fear

Miss oportunity
Is hard to review movies from decades ago. To me it should have being more graphic, I get that the man is a R***st, but they don't even use the word s3x, as in s3x off3nd3r.

To me they lost the oportunity to make the lawyer the bad guy, he goes over the law by hiring some guy to beat him up. But there where no consecuences, waht if the lawyer ended up in jail, what if the former prisoner wins in the game of the lawyer, in the sistem the lawyer firmly belives it works. He ended up bending the law in some way. Yes it is legal to shoot a man if he traspasses, but he was expecting him to do so. I would have liked to see the civilized man going crazy, loosing it all just because of the idea of this other man being there, but actually doing nothing.

To me is a 5, I get it thay in this age this movie would have being more graphic, I haven't seing the 90s remake. I think they could have done something more cerebral.

What if the bad guy was actually innocent? Or what if the lawyer instad of being a witness was the guy who sented him to jail, whay if by deshonest ways?

Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania

Same old same old
Is is a good movie, entretaining.

Nothing groundbreaking, I think it exist mainly to introduce whats his name time guy multiverse dude.

It has all Marvel cliches, the daughter that now is the smartest persona alive, did she invented the machine that srunk all of them?

Why cant Ant Man bet bigger up to normal size with the suite?

I is kind of unrealistic that the mom of the wasp didn't anone anything of the miniverse.

Vusually it looks good exept for potato face Modok.

Where all efforts of AntMan useless if the ants did all damage?

I didn't like how the villan was like, I can kill your daughter and make you watch over and over again, and never uses his powers that way.

To me is a 6, it was fun, Bill Murray was there.


Horror movie?
Nah this one was not that good, fisrt no way a horror movie, the small demon was a comedic character. This could have been so good, like the idea was there I think.

The direction was bad, some visual effects where bad, not thechnically or bc of budget, but ugly, the wife slapped the man with sounf cartoony sound effects.

I disliked the small demon, too comedic, too whimpy, the counting garbanzos was too random, maybe is like a local folclore thing, buy it looked like all demons have ocd.

I would have taken the story to another place, like stay in the war or make the demons kill someone or something iteresting.

Clerks III

Just for the fans
I saw the other 2 movies once a long time ago, I gess this movie is for those fans that has rewatched them a couple of times.

Me not being a Clerks nerd noticed that there where a lot of recalls to other movies and I felt that this movie was like "hey remeber Clerks 1, that was cool, here have those jokes again" kind of like in Dumb and Dumber 2.

The acting was bad, the cameos amazing, the story meh, why was Randal so bad with Dante? Why the movie started with My Chemical Romance?? Was Clerks a Teen movie from the 00s?

To me is a 5, I get it if the fans rated it higher, also the ending was good, didn'e expected such an emotional ending.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Had to watch Impractical Jokers after this
I really liked this movie, its not perfect, but it made me feel stuff.

O cool I am going to watch a nice Paul Rudd little movie (thats what I thought)

Maybe there are some scenes that could have being deleted or details that could have bein shown instead of said. Like the dating the buzzed cut hair girl, that was not nesesary for the plot or even a subplot, also the suicide of the best friend, what if we saw that, or maybe what kind of frienship that was, but maybe keeping it in our imagination is powerfull enough, we all will be afected by the suicide of a close friend. So thats why I don't punish the movie much for it.

Why are Sonic Youth/the smiths listeners such snobs, Oh yeas my taste in music is just the best.

Are american parties so sexualiced and drug based? With no party music?

The overall movie was interesting and entretaining, we all are insecure about something and shy or introverted (right?) and the main character was kind of relatable, the endig was just too much in the best way possible, I didn't expected that and edned in a sad mood

To me is a 9, 10 is when I can rewatched again and again, and this was my firs, so maybe in the futue I'll change it, also the acting of Emma Watson for some reason was not the best. Mybe I jjust watched it in the right moment.

The endig was everything and the characters.


For kids
Usually Pixar movies are a bit more deep to apeal to adults, this one entretaining, no deep mesage (maybe that it's ok to ask for help? Or don't get atached to the past?) no rewatchability.

To me they miss the oportunity to use 90s movies elements or visuals, what about a scenne where Andy is watching the movie and the adults or toy adress that the visual FX suck, but to a kid that just looks so real. But this was not a commedy.

I liked that Zurg was not Buzz's dad, we all knew he was suppose to be the dad, so make a tiny twist on it was fine.

To me is a 4 bc it was just a forgetable movie, to Pixar standar at least, would not recomend to someone a teen or up.

Whats with having 3 end credits scenes??

Saw VI

Why do I keep watching this movies
At first the victims where there to have a new perspective on life, they where people wasting their lifes for them to "learn" that life is worth living or something. Now the victims are just being punished, they compete with each other and the idea isfor them to survive, but would I watch a Saw movie for the plot?

Why does the cop kill people? I get that the widow does it bc now she looses it and think is the best way for rehab, althow she bearly does anything.

I watch this for the gore, and is not there, maybe the guy making ham out of his belly. But when the guy has to chooses who lives and who dies, I just really don't care about them, they are not even secondary characters in the movie.

THe movie is from 2009 and look oooold, pleas hire some good actors and stop with the flash editting To me is a 2, even the poster is bad, I see the V shape but the wire making an I is forced, so a 2 bc is boring, not enough gore, the plot sucks, it would be a 1 but is not as bad as Saw 5.

Llanto Maldito

Evil Dead meets a boring movie
Nothing happens, there is no consecuences when the witch is there, no one dies or get harmed.

When the movie introduced the idea of the birds that lay eggs in other birds nests to be rised I thought the movie was going to go that way, like the kid was the witch's son all along or he was going to be replaced by another boy, but the mom gets possessed.

The conflict of the movie resolves itself, the mom was about to kill their kids but sudden vomit happens and evil is no more.

The cry of the witch is kind of creepy, but whenever she is there nothing happens, tjere are no deaths, is like in the rebbot of It, oh no the clown is here... And does nothing, just looks creepy at the camera.

To me this one is a 2, not only is a bad scsry movie, is a bad movie overall.

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever

Action movie without action
Meh, kinda boring and generic at this point.

The movie starts saying that is impossible to track vibranium so they... Oh whats that a girl just created a metal detector for a school project?

So the bad guys are mermaids that look like Vishnu.

Why does Namor make the Wakandans to get the scientist if their army was so good??

This movie just didnt crated nothing new, it exist just to introduce the new black panther and maybe ironman, but everyone has an ironman suit... To me is a 4, it has nothing special and mermaids.

I need 67 more characters to upload my coment so here I am writting whatever.


Very 80sy
It starts good, gory, a bunch of deaths.

Then it gets slow, more mistery than horror.

When it starts gettint too long it comes back with the whole explanation of the movie, which is kind of unespected. Ofcourse the main character and Gary or whatshisname are related, I saw that comming at the moment they reavealed the woman was adopted, but for it to be a Basket Case 1.5 was cool I guess.

Thw monster looked goofy at times, walking all backwards, but it makes sence, but at the ending when they show the human face at the back al the time, that looked funny. Also the ending was too touchy feelings for me, this eas not the movie for that.

Everything has an explanation, except hte fact that Gabriel has electric powers?? Why? And who listens to the radio? Why was Gary like invisible at the begining when the husband saw him watching TV?

To me this is a 7, it was unexpecetly goofy in a good way, decent body count and gore, could have being shorter.

Zombieland: Double Tap

Better than the 1st?
Very funny and entretaining movie.

The blond girl was anoying, but that was her purpose, she was the overly done stereotipe of the dumb blond gilr, but was ok for me, she got some funny jokes here ant there and her not being throght all the movie was a good desition.

The plot is as simple as a plot can be, you are not watching a comedy horror for it.

The doplegangers of the characters was random but cool I thought they where going to do something more, like Emma Stone falling for the new guy, buy waht they end up doing was nice.

The final fight was cool.

They didn't use the smart zombies in the movie, but ok.

Usually I don't like horror comedies, but this one was a good one, the post credit endig made me rate it with a 9, when I see it again I will rate it a 10 if it stills hold.

Don't Breathe 2

I mean, it's all right
I remember really linking the 1st one, maybe the endingo was too long it has like 2 endings.

This one is fine, not bad, maybe the fact of him being blind is not that important here, in the first one he had more control of the inviorment so it made a difference. Here is like maybe to get more creative in on scene or two, for example when he puts a bell on one dudes mouth, ok, but why make a movie of a OP blind guy just for that. When the flor of his house was on fire he carerraja looks at the flor to "see" tha flames.

At first I had a lot of questions, like why the real dad didn't go to the police, or why look for her now but I got those answers so it was cool, except why tf they have molotov bombs on a cooler.

To me is a 6, is more action orientated, not that suspensfull. The fact that the character could be a non bling person was distracting. The gore was good and the action too. I kind of laughed when the girl was cutting her moms arm to not fall to a not that deep of a fall, and then fall anyways.

I don't think I would recomend it, just watch the first one, but not regrets for watching it. I am the worst reviewer.

She-Hulk: Attorney at Law

It's OK
Just Ok, entretaining, and light.

THe first 2or 3 eps I didn't knew what I was watching, if it was goint to be an action series or what, maybe too much Hulk in it missguided me.

Then it turned in a series about her life, professional and love life, that was good, I liked the 4rth wall breaking.

I am a fan of Marvel movies, not comics, so I dind't complained about Daredevill and her hooking up or the walk of shame (enven tho I where a comic fan, who can complain about that is a comedic series about She Hulk not Daredevill) and so on it was light and fun.

Then the last ep... what?? I liked the 4rth wall braking, but that was too much, they lost track of what they whwere doing.. oh but She Hulk criticized Marvel, just as we fans do, so they are cool just like me.

Even She hulk said that the ending shouldn't be a fight bc that was not what the series was about, but it wasn't a lawyers drama iether! It was a woman with maybe identity crisis that happened to me a lawyer.

What happende to Titania, she was the main bad guy. Wht Abomination was still bad, his whole story was that he was good and forced to fight, that was the "joke" (even tho its not true, in the movie he is vere independant on his choises).

Why She Hulk lawyered a f machine!!! Aaaahh!!


Why that title? Just bc they said that word like 3 times? Why not call Toy Story "hey andy happy birthday".

So its slow and boring, for some reason I watched the tryler and saw the movie, the trailer was all the movie, never watch trailers... The space ship ended being a living creature, I couldn't take it serious then, what a bad image. The last form of the alien wass cool.

Whats with the monkey flashbacks? Wasnt a sub plot, was it related with the alien?? Was the shoe perfectly balances something or just a shoe that didnt fell??

Why not feed the alien kerosen or something, why the main goal is just to film it.

Why the most tens moment of the movie is about a monkey that has nothing to do with nothing!!

The "don't look at it and it won't attack" why? Why did the main guy assumed that it has a horse brain. The if you dont believing in it is harmfull to it makes no sence, I dind¡t like it in Nightmare on Elm St iether.

Pk this is picking too much, but how did Darrel can afford buying horses when only 10 people watches the show per day?

The image of the raining blood at the house was cool Not a horror film, don't know why is categoraized as such.

To me is a 3 bc is not horrible, just bad and boring.

Knives Out

Wow who could have known that the only famous actor was the bad guy That was my first impression, then I kind of change my mind mid movie, but then it was him, the only famous person in the cast. I watched it a while ago and forgot to make a review so I don't know what to say.

To me is a 5, its ok, I don't regret watching it, nor I am going to recomended a lot.

That said here goeas an lorem ipsum What do you think about the movie Parasite? I think is over rated, buy must watch it again to make a review. Some say that if you are not poor you are not going to get it, I say if a movie is slow and boring then its slow and boring.

The Lighthouse

The acting is all
If you want to see good acting, specially from Willen Dafoe, this is it.

But that's kind of it, the movie a an all is good, but I got bored at times. There is not much a story, is one of those wierd movies. But it could have being about the seagulls, or the mermades, or go deepr on whats in the light. Maybe it's about Batman going crazy and I didn't get it. I think is more about that, but why not making it a bit more clear, if is him boing cray cray why he and also the former helper where seing mermades?

Why they both are named Tom? I thought the movie was going to play with time or something, like both of them being the same person.

When is this happening? Because of the screen ratio and it being in black and white I asumed it was in the 30s, but thay said that backin the 70s something happened, was it in the 1870s??

To me is a 6 bc it is a good movie, can't recomend it to a lot of people tho, you need to watch it in a certain mood. And to me the story in not very clear, I get it that is a more conceptual movie (is it aconceptual movie or am I stupid)


Smiles ain't scary
Why would a smile be scary, people don't even have exagerates features, just a normal smile.

The first jumpscare of the movie was a phone ringing with creepy music, and a sudden stop of it by someone answering it, why would that be scary??

The only descent jumpscare was in the tryler and it got spoiled. There are near to no deaths, so actions don't have waight.

The last monster was cool, at least its face, not much the body, that type of slender man has already being done like 50 times. But, when it is introducen itselfe into the woman's mouth, she looks like a wooden doll, normaly effects don't distract me when they are bad (and I am watching She Hulk right now) but this one was BAD.

Predictable also, mmm there is a pitch black bathroom in the screen, I wonder what is going to happen.

Also, woman turn on a light, who wrapes gifts with the dimmest light there is in IKEA.

The "this is an illution" thing has being done, and why at the end they started with the "its all in your mind" thing, just for the protagonist to have some sort of power.

Wow a fake ending, original.

I guess its a 4 to me bc the design of the monster was ok, the ending was ok, the gore aswell (not much tho)

Saw V

easy 1 star
Just boring, maybe the pendulum death was nice, but the rest was trash, not enough deaths for a saw movie. Jigsaw died like 2 movies ago, why is he still here, Saw 4 was a direct sequel of 3 and this one hangs of 3 also, it just is too complicaed for no reason, I feel nothing when the cop died at the end I don't care about him, there are like 3 subplots to care about anyone. We already know the bad gut is the bad copso I don't cara about the investigation.

This movie did the same as the last one, present a story in who knows what order, anything goes bc of flashback, the 00' edditing is the worst, that speed with distorion, the vaseline in the lense and that ugly green tint makes it look so dated.

For a franchise that started like a good police movie and then like a ok gore movies, this one is none and still looks low budget af.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Ok movie
Somtime felt like a parody, sometimes like a Monty Python movie but not in a good way.

Christian Bale was the best part, that character was good, but kind of basic or rushed in his desitions, his hate for ALL gods is kind of unjustified, since only one god was bad to him.

There are some deus ex machina moments, like why Natally Portman can use the hammer and why it is rebuilded now, bc Thor in a flashback told the hammer to do so, Thor needs an army so he goes to the gods, but it just happens that he can turn kids into an army, why not do that with the people on earth?? Maybe is not the type of movie you want to over analize, but it distracted me enough.

Whats with the goats? Wherent those like a meme in 2009?

I liked the narration of Korg or whatever, I cant keep track with all the movies that are not in chonollogical order.

The music was ok GnR is overused but ok, Rainbow in the dark by DIO is the BEST! So one star extra for that.

The action was nice, effects where cool, don't know how to feel about when they are at the no color zone in space, it looked like a b movie, I felt like watching Plan 9 from outer space, not sure if in a good way or not.

Me Time

just no
Rated 16 but is for old people but has jokes for kids.

The "fun" part takes too long, jokes are bad on non existing.

When they trash the house it should has been like Mark Wahlberg going crazy and Kevin Heart doing like inocent stuff, or something like that, but no, throwing away someone's salt is only funny if someone aknoleges hoh harmless it is. I imagine like Conan O Bien saying like "Wait what?? You go to thig guys home and thow away his salt an no more". The kid in the talent show could have some real stand up comedy, but if only one of the main actor where a professional comediant... First 1 star I give, could not recomend this to anyone, it's nothing.

Halloween Kills

Horror movie cliches
In the first 20 min you got all the movie cliches, dumb characters, cars not working, fake jump scares.

Some characters that you don't expect to die do, thats nice, the violence is good, but is just a movie from a bunch, did not progress the story at all (but how can you do it with this type of movies, unless you go stupid supernatural like when Michael was a witchkraft demon or something oe Jason Borhees being like a spirit that posseses people) Any way, not a good movie, too much time in the hospital, whats with that?

Could't remember who the crazy man was, the one thar jumped, wasn't important anyway.

The town ganging up tp him was cool I guess, when he stood up and killed everyone, was like f u you better be scared. It was cleverly directed that scene, bc it showed people by people, it didn't happened like in fight movies when everyone waits for its turn to get kicked in the mouth.

Couldn't recomend this movie, just maybe the last scene.

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