
IMDb member since February 2019
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A Cure for Wellness

The ratings dont do it justice
I've had this on my to watch list for an age and finally sat down to watch it.

Its an anti-fairytale meets lovecraft meets stephen king.

Its very much a short story where you are plucked up and dropped into the middle of a saga where un-reality slowly starts to bleed though what could have been a snoozy thriller. Theres enough jarring promethan horror to really make the story shine. Its a tale of money pays the bills but cant buy you true happyness of obsession with longevity. All covered in facades , lockhart got the job but gets found out, pembrokes company is about to merge making it more money and more power but the government have caught them out. The nursing staff are there to help but not the patients, The water isnt quenching thirst its deyhrating. The patients are all well but are made to believe there not. The castle on the surface is grand but underneath it is rotting ruins and so on. Its a nightmare bastard of a grimms fairytale which actually does have a happy ending.

Rebel Moon - Part One: A Child of Fire

Rebel without a cause
SZ is a creative genius hes got vision hes got solid ideas but hes no script writer. We've a fair to muddling cast with a vague sense of good guys and bad , sorta viking space villagers vrs the evil empire. Its got roots but sadly they dont flurish into anything productive. The characters are all a bit too 2d and not very memorable. Its got some set pieces that if they were shorts would work very well buy this film feels very like it was done using Ai , its had all the elements fed it , starwarslike story; space vikings, etc and this is what was spat out. Not going to bother with part 2 , it took me three attempts to finnish part one - Sorry to say this is a swing an a miss.

The Exorcist: Believer

I can't believe its not ...
I had hopes for this movie rating the original within my top 3 horror movies of all time. However the story just doesnt seem to know where to land , the opening is promising it does draw you in but once it does that it then trys to do too much , you get a single parent story, story about a child longing for her mother, a story abouy belief, a story about regret. If they had pared some of this back and kept the sinister tone the films starts with at the point where the parents are searching alone for there kids in the woods and used that to build on this might have worked better, also maybe even more subtile build up of the demon at work then ramp it up at the close might have been better. It just sadly failed to hit the mark.

The Fall of the House of Usher

if you seek for Eldorado
Genuinely this was a pleasure to watch. It was well written , well acted.

Aside to the issue around Frank Langella i dont honestly think he could have pulled off a believable Roderick Usher , i think it would have ended up too hammy too over the top. Bruce Greenwood was an excellent choice for the elder Usher more Logan Roy than Logan paul. And thats what it needed grit over the scenery being chewed to ribbons. A very modern anthological take on poes works nicely interwoven between the 8 eps. There were elements of AHS and also 6 feet under , with a nice healthy dose of dark comedy. A mixture to some which sounds like it wouldnt ... Shouldnt work. But it really did, alot of netflix products recently have been creatively questionable in its bang for buck ratings but this hit all the right notes while not over playing it. Nice turns from a number of the actors but special praise has to go to Mark Hamill , Carla Gugino, Mary McDonnell and Carl Lumbly. All played their parts above and beyond the roles. A great little pre- halloween treat with out the usual netflix trick of being utter rot.

The Last Voyage of the Demeter

worthy addition
To have fleshed out some very sparse diary entries into a full movie is a decent enough turn. Good cast, however they have a very limited gambit to run, less than a short storys worth of source material with zero ability for true character development. More a concept with arms and legs at a push. Its neatly done, the scripts a bit rough and ready but by no means is this the worst vampire movie to reach the big screen in the last two or three years. Less CGI would have been great as Javier botet is up there with doug jones in terms of his abilites on the physical acting front. Also not sure about the anna character , think the film would have been better without that as a framing device they could have gone more into the realms of john carpenters the thing , having that kind of suspense - all in all worth a watch.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Wish they haddnt
I was hoping that this was going to correct KOCS but it fell short of the mark. Its not totally amiss

Positive points Harrison Ford as Indy Phobe Waller-Bridge as sidekick mads mikkelsen as the main protagonist.

Some old faces poping up hints from the past movies Setting Indy against the nazis again

Less positive The story line was weak The bad guys were far too 2D The De aging stuff was a bit flimsy in places.

Giving Indys last story such a harsh edge The last act between the plane taking off and them being back in NYC , just suspending disbelief too too far.

There were shimmers of the old indy but i really think after KOCS they should have left well alone. I had maybe too high hopes for james mangold , he delivered in parts but the rest just feels very much like the cash cows tit being squeezed till it drops off and it kinda tarnishes a great cinimatic character and the reasons why they pulled em in at the box office.

Unlike belloq's pocket-watch, sadly i dont think if we burried this in the sand for a thousand years it would end up being priceless.

The Witcher: Blood Origin

Not the best but also not the worst
This isnt going to win awards and this isnt the greatest of stories in comparison to the writing in the main witcher show but for 6 eps i could suspend disblief and give it a watch.

Great actors + poor script + limited / rushed production.

Some of the character origins needed to be bulked out , some of the arcs were waay too predictable. There are gilimers of gold throughout but as a whole it does fall short of the mark. They should have made this 1 full limited series of minimum 10 eps , took a bit more time with the story gave the charaters there dues this might have brought alot of the folks rating 1-4 back into the fold - shame as this kinda stinks more about profit and less about the characters or story - definetly need to try a ton harder in future or just not bother. Perhaps if netflix would quit treating IP like a cat on a hot tin roof , squeezing the juices for all there worth realising after the fact that each fruit only contains so much juice and cancelling after a season or mid season 1 they might actually get good at what they do. Instead of spray as much stuff at the wall and hope that something sticks.

SAS Rogue Heroes

sas meets the peaky blinders
This is about the origins of the SAS is it all 100% is it hell. Heres the thing a whole bunch of the negative reviews bumble on about this slating the good names of the men involved. Two observations on that front , 1 do you honestly think the Stirling family amongst others would allow there relative amongst the others to be made an ass of ? Not a chance. 2 is this show a drama - Yes - are dramas which tell you at the outset "mostly true" 100% true - Nope. 3 - we have remeberance sunday to remember the fallen shows like this help keep the memory of those hard battles alive. 4 is war polite and pretty and clean - get a grip. 5 - battles like that are fought in dirt and blood and sacrafice - soliders back then as now werent all David niven caricatures all toodle pipping and jolly old chapping and off to the mess for a tipple at the end of the day, Yes steven knight has added a peaky blinders razor edge to the dialogue and the pace of the story but they make for good adventures where the cards are all on the table britian was on the brink and some clever , hard battle savvy men managed to stop the nazi war machine from winning. All in all suspend disbelief , suspend getting your knickers in a twist and enjoy it for what it is - a cracking show worth a watch with some great performances from seasoned and up and coming actors.

Crimes of the Future

Not fully evolved
Some thinking involved , a spattering of mild body horror which revolves around self harm , exposing internal organs and that pain is love. Dark brooding , dull lighting strange locations - but it feels litterally feels like a bunch of ideas haphazardly stiched together, and whilst that jarring feeling id suspect is part of the supposed shock factor it doesnt hide the fact that there are too many loose ends and plot points which dont really go anywhere. The theme As far as i can grasp , man knows he is evolving , has no choice in it , tries to ignore it by cutting it out and tattooing it, in the end accepts it with tears in his eyes. Of his most recent films this definetly isnt his best work , can't say i'd recommend paying to see this unless your a completest.

Thor: Love and Thunder

Ok so were in phase 4 by now Marvels kinda got a handle on the mcu franchise. Or so youd expect. So this isnt a Thor 2 not a total miss but its not driving the phase forwards in any obvious way . Chris Hemsworth is Thor no two doubts there he plays him well. Bale does an awesome job with the minimal screen time , he chews the scenery up. Theres a bunch of tried and test Marvel formula jokes ans japes. Was this film all it could be ? Sadly not , it didnt fully hit the mark , the plot kinda zig zags all over the place from "Asgardians of the galaxy" , to How Thor got fit again , to finding himself , To gorr to the gods and so on. It feels very much like this coulda been a 6 ep disney+ run of "what Thor did next ? " in lill 40-45 min slots per week. Let hope the next bunch of phase 4 with stronger storylines where MCU is concerned.

The Black Phone

Ok the kids alone in this movie deserve hugh praise they were all so awesome - There are creepy tropes and supernatural trope even occasionally alittle humour too. There are even some little nods to stephen king in here too. One thing i will say i grew up in the 80's and yeah kids fought but daaaaamn there are some genuinely brutal fight scenes between kids in here. Ethan hawke is genuinely creepy in his role. Worth the price of a ticket worth going to see.


Where its a sin presents the harsh hardhearted reality of growing up in the LGBTQ+ community in 80's Britain. This story of young love is another aspect of growing up a triangle peg in a square hole. I've not read the source material however after being told to watch this me and my BF watched it together and it was heartwarming and funny and shows that we're all human and we all go through similar emotions at loves first full flush accept unlike the Hetro community we have this additional huge chasm of self doubt potential self loathing genuine fear of loosing everything and everyone for the sake of loving who we want. This show really helps to tightrope walk that narrative and is genuinely lovely to watch , it brings a smile a laugh a toe curl and a tear or two its genuinely an awesome show and being the ep's are just over a half hour not at all taxing to watch.

Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore

Best of this series of films so far
Lets park the controvesial - J.k's personal beliefs and comments, Depps court case , ezra millers rather public meltdowns on set and post production mainly due to mental health issues that they dont seem to be getting the help they need for.

This movie has heart , will say like the latter potter movies i'm not sure that due to some of the plot devices i.e the deaths of some fantastic beasts if its for the youngest of kids.

Mads as grindlewald is excellent and tbh he should have been cast from the jump, hes got more depth than depp did in this role he gives it more emotion without chewing the scenery to bits. Depps not a bad actor just not perhaps the right choice for this role it felt very 2D while he played it. Mads effortlessly gives the character his charm , malevolence , sadness sometimes with the meerest or looks.

Not sure why china has gotten there knickers in a twist over this movie - Theres alot of talk of love and aside from one moment during a fight where dumbledore and grindlewalds hands come to rest over each others hearts there isnt any graphic sexual imagery or even kissing. People need to calm down. Plus JK always hinted that Albus was gay from early on so it shouldnt come as a big secret infact thats not the secret the title reffers to at all. If your a potter fan you already know this about him and in the end what does it matter ? Folks need to get a grip.

The story in this movie drives forward id say better than the last one not spending too much time going over storylines which arent germain to the narrative. Hope that they do make the final movie it be a shame for the franchise to stop before that point.

The Batman

The Batman we need
Dark, gritty but a fine return to form for the dark knight , Pattinson is an excellent fit , yeah its long but its worth it. The supporting cast are brilliant love the relationship between gordon and bats much closer than in previous outings.

The Matrix Resurrections

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheeple ?
Wee bit of nostalgia however if they didnt make this we wouldnt be any the worse off.

Some neat little call backs and the main cast did good with what meat they had but it definetly felt like a shakey attempt at a reboot of sorts.

Perhaps letting sleeping bots lie mighta been the better option. Will say it was better than revolutions. Hoping there wont be anymore - i saw the original when it came out and it blew my mind , this one blew the cobwebs away but little else.

Don't Look Up

Hollywood finally gets satire right
This was a hillarious look at exactly how messed up we are as a spieces right now. Very close to the bone and for once ensamble casting and script are both on the money. The fact that there are 1 star reviews on here is just mirroring the way things go in this movie - Our generations doctor strangelove.

Ghostbusters: Afterlife

who you gona call
Being old enough to remember seeing the originals in the cinema this pass at the material did it justice. Its alittle about nostalgia sure but in this case its no bad thing if you enjoyed the original 2 then this one fits alongside them kinda nicely i think. Shame the last one with christine wiig etc just didnt land at all but it was a poorly written badly directed attempt, nothing to do with the ladies but the material sucked. This one the material hits , the story hits and it does tie in with the ghostbusters extended universe in certain areas - Worth the price of admission and a few geniunely good laughs along the way too.

The Irregulars

Rough and maybe not quiet ready
So the good points , fantastic cast mostly of up and comers getting there first brush at a serious tv gig. Some interesting plot points. Stylistically not too bad.

The negatives, the modernity angle , adding modern tropes to a period piece this can work if its done right see the peaky blinders or west world regards music but note that its done in a measured way sadly the creaters of this show have been too heavy handed modern music and modern langauge its far too much.

The premise , they have taken a much beloved literary duo and split them apart which is a bold choice but they make watson the strong character only to villify the trope that he 'loves holmes' and they take the character flaw in holmes and push him to the point where hes not even a high functioning sociopath , just a very broken figure with the occasional nod to his long lost aptitude as the foremost consulting detective. Now a broken and lost junkie for want of a better description. I think its no bad thing to explore different trates of characters like this and the choice of actors is actually genuinely awesome they really are excellent. But i think be alittle less hard and fast with such beloved characters.

Again they reduce lestrade not to a bungler but a coward and a bit of a fanatic for a particular type of order which kind of sticks in the throat.

Not sure about the "Leo" plot , the kids a great actor doing alot with alittle so hats off to him. However this character seems kind of shoehorned into this story and i'm not sure if this was just a way to try and appeal to american audiences who are seeming obsessed with the royal family. But ultimately not sure what this really adds to the story. Where they could have more concentrated on the irregulars themselve.

All in all ive seen alot worse on here - v wars for example..Its got promise but sadly i can't see this getting a second season.

It's a Sin

Amazing and heartbreaking
I've always been a fan of Russells work however in coming out in the last few years unlike QAF this one hit very differently personally. The snap shot of reality in my own lifetime is both glorious and truelly heartbreaking. The paralells between how the crisis was mishandled and how the current crisis has been mishandled is stark. The individual stories are full of strength, warmth, humour and emence sadness and pain. This is as much an education for yonger generations as it is a drama. Stunning

The Witcher

Netflix at its best
I havent read any of the books --Yet . Have played 'the witcher 3 - the wildhunt' so its sorta like having a series based on a video game but its obviously not. If i based the story in the game , the characters etc then by this alone they have blown my expectations out of the water. Henry Cavill - i was majorly sceptical in the screen test he looked like legolas's older jacked brother and not the grizzled monster hunter/ warrior/ misanthrope. But i was pleantly surprised , yes he has a tom hardy - bane kinda change of voice but he aces this role - Hes geralt - period, hes ace in this role. The supporting cast are brilliant they all really work to make sure none of them come across as 2D or flat. This is a solid sound series, if you like monsters swords and fantasy with a good deal of sarcasm and side eye at the right moments. Definietly watch this show.

Slaughterhouse Rulez

christ knows what john mills woulda made of it
Ok so this aint gona win any awards , yes its fairly disjointed and yes the storys a little ropey at best but as a netflix watch if youve time to kill stick it on and have zero expectations you wont be dissapointed


True mind F@@@
Solid cast , brilliant premise. Disoriantating as hell but enjoy it its part of the ride

The Personal History of David Copperfield

Whistle stop but well worth a watch
This was a whistle stop tour of the story of David Copperfield however , its a great cast , despite those reviews which seem agast at the casting choices, the fact remains that good actors can be cast in any role regardless. Its got heart this movie and leaves you feeling in a good place. No it wont win oscars , not its not perfect , but since theres no such thing enjoy it for what it is

Space Force

To boredly go....
Figured even though i saw negative reviews id watch anyway. I tried but sadly the negative reviews have it - this show doesnt know whether it wants a shave or a haircut it just doesnt seem to know what it is - i get the impression its trying to pull alittle from the office in a sudo real time comedy thing but also be slap stick and clever as well. I think too many different styles of comedy have sent this show off telemetry and off into the deep space of mediocrity. A great cast sadly the script just doesnt land. Was this even shown to a test audience ?


If you do not understand the difference between fiction and fact do not watch this. This is a work of fiction and should be seen as such.

Its a brilliant piece of writing if you take QT the boys from brazil add a dash of 70's cop show your about on the money.

Its not meant to be a factual docusoap but heres the rub heres the bit that many of these outraged social justice hams missed - it shows the Nazi as corrupting and evil , it shows the persecution and whole sale murder of the jewish community. It shows portrails and aspects of real Nazis and by that i mean 'der third reich' not the name given to social commentators when folks dont like there opinions.It has a moral code through it . It has violence and action , conspiracy , betrayal, little comedy too.

Great story give it a watch dont be put off by the negative reviews

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