
IMDb member since February 2019
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Modern Family: Haley's 21st Birthday
Episode 10, Season 6

Funny episode but there are slight inconsistencies
The first thing I react to this episode is the whole group saying "Cheers to Haleys first drink. Only a few episodes before that Phil and Claire buy her drinks at a restaurant. A few eipsodes before that she is thrown out of college for drinking, so its abviously not her first drink and the family knows that.

Second thing is that Phil says "we are driving a German car" , but theyre driving a Toyota? Thats not a german car last time i checked? It just seemed like a very weird comment to make, because its just so wrong haha.

Other than that the episode was very fun, and I like the whole plot even when it seems very unrealistic sometimes.

The Last of Us: Long, Long Time
Episode 3, Season 1

Im not okay
Im crying as im writing this and I have a hard time seeing. I did not expect this from the show at all as the game is a lot different. The beautiful story of Bill and Frank is one of the most beautiful and heartwrenching lovestories I have ever seen. Nothing tops the way this made me feel. The whole thing felt like a punch in the heart and the gut, but it was beautiful.

Although it steps away from the main characters, the way we get an insight into life from other peoples perspective makes it more interesting. I expected to be sad, but not DEVESTATED THOUGH! I dont know what else to say. I think I'm gonna curl up in bed and bawl my eyes out.

Avatar: The Way of Water

Im scared it will be the same story every movie
After more than a decade of waiting, i finally got to see Avatar: the way of water. Watching it at IMAX in 3D was an experience like no other and the movie is absolutely breathtaking and I was blown away by how amazing it was. It's an experience i recommend

However, like many people have pointed out, the story is a bit boring and too similar to the first movie. Dont get me wrong, the characters, the lore and the world built by James Cameron is absolutely amazing, and I cannot wait to see more. But the actual progression of the story is so extremely similar to the first one, it was very dissapointing. Especially after all the hype Cameron did before the release of the movie. It also ends in a way that makes it seem like this exact plot will be repeated in the next movie, which is just so disappointing when it has takes years and years to perfect.

The movie is beautiful, the characters are great, the world they have created is a masterpiece. The plot, is boring and predictable.

The Crown: Ipatiev House
Episode 6, Season 5

I was left in shock... It was traumatizing
The beginning of this episode is too much. In terms of other shows it would not have been that shocking, but the crown has been relatively PG for the most part. Though it is important to highlight important historical events, in this case the massacre of the Romanof royal family, this was too much. In many ways it seems out of place and it was not expected. I wish that there was a warning. They gave a trigger warning when they showed Diana and her eating disorder, but not for brutal and bloody murder. It was way too much, and though I again think it is important to highlight the failings of the British Royal family, I think it could have been done in a different way that wouldt have been so incredibly traumatic. I hope Netflix puts a warning before this episode as there are people who surely will not want to see this.


Could'nt wait to get out of the movie theatre
Sat through the 2 hours and 14 minutes of this misery of a movie. It was just so incredibly boring, I regret not walking out when other people did. The plot is incredibly weak and the movie is too long.

I feel bad for the actors as they all did a terrific job, Especially Christian Bale who more or less carried the film with John David Washington, but other than that it had little to no redeeming qualities.

The writing was so horrible, and though i never expect much from murder mysteries (as they are all very predictable), they are usually enjoyable. This one was not. I just sat and waited for it to finally be over and when it finally was i was just thoroughly underwhelmed.

I expected more.

Nanatsu no taizai

Could have been great if the new animation studio actually tried
The series was so great. Then the new animation studo came and they half-assed everything. The distinction is so obvious and it is difficult to look past. It had such great potential


Watch past the first episode
Do not let the first episode fool you. It is a creepy yet funny show and it could have had a third season if people had an open mind -.-

Spider-Man: Far from Home

How is this so good?
After all the MCU movies that have been made, the plots are getting predictable, and for some reason they don't change the writing. You know who's going to be the main villain, you know what's gonna happen. It's so BORING! They're all the same..

Once Upon a Time in... Hollywood

A whole lot of nothing
Barely anything happens... The connections make no sense.

The actingt is great, but that is pretty much it

Final Space

Rick and Morty meets Guardians of the Galaxy meets Interstellar
Worth watching, here is why:

Great plot Amazing characters Beautiful animation Creative world Great comedy

Final Space

Rick and Morty meets Guardians of the Galaxy meets Interstellar
Worth watching, here is why:

Great plot Amazing characters Beautiful animation Creative world Great comedy

A Star Is Born

Why is this so popular?
This movie sucks, and here is why:

1. The dialouge sucks: When the characters talk to each other it is difficult to hear what they are both saying. Is it an attempt to make it more realistic? Maybe, but if so it failed because people do not have full conversations on top of each other without stopping to let the other person finish.

2. Random nude scenes Lady Gaga is naked twice in this movie, fo no appearent reason. There is a full body shot of her naked body. Why? This isnt game of thrones, no one needed or expected nudity, its very out of place for a movie like this.

3. Plot is inconsistent It is hard to explain, but the movie makes no sense. When does this all take place? How many years, months or even weeks have passed? And the storyline about Bradley Coopers family is just barely explored. I would have felt much more compassion if I copletely knew the relationship between his brother, father and him. But they just barely talk about it, so it makes no sense and adds less than it is supposed to to the story.

4. The ending is weird and out of place The ending is a "plot twist" of some sorts, but it just happens. With no build up, no real reason and no explanation. What the hell?

5. Cringe moments Dont like romantic cringe moments, dont watch this movie


The movie is just so sad. I felt uncomfortable, sad and depressed the entire time. Is that what the movie was supposed to do? Yea sure. But I left the movie theatre with such a gut wrenching feeling in my stomach and I cried for about an hour. It is two hours that will make you feel awful and sad, but the ending is kinda cool.

Pitch Perfect 2

Let's just say the franchise did not need a sequel
Boring movie with played out jokes. Fat Amy the character was an obvious favourite from the first movie, but they completely overplayed her funny characteristics and bon mo from the first movie in the sequel. ITS CRINGE, okay thanks (dont watch it, not worth it)

Wolf Tracer's Dinosaur Island

I can't believe this exists
It's 45 minutes of actual garbage. If you told me this was a student project made by like 12 or 13 year olds I would have been like "yeah, that checks out". If you told me that this was a movie starring Mark Hamill i would have said "you're a piece of human garbage". Do not waste your time on this movie, or do, I mean if you have lot of time on your hands and really want to ABSOLUTELY WASTE 45 MINUTES OF YOUR LIFE then sure go ahead. Just remember that watching is a kind of torture i would not wish upon my worst enemy.

The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance

Extremely depressing the show was cancelled
This show is great, so sad it was cancelled. The series really needs another season to wrap up loose ends from the final episode. I wish the creators would make a second season to finish up the story, wather than just letting it be. Oh well, thats just how netflix works i guess..

Alita: Battle Angel

Not what I expected, but in a good way
Watched the trailer and expected a clishé superhero movie, but it is so much more. The trailer did NOT give a good representation of what the movie actually is. ITS. SO. FRICKING, GOOD. I was kind of scared it would have the same concept as Ghost in a Shell, but its not even remotely similar. The background story we only get to see a couple of seconds of is so intriguing i would love a movie just focusing on that. It has its overused bits like a clishé monolgue where one of the people is like "oh no dont die" and the others like" live without me" blah blah blah. But the setting, the backstory, the CGI, it more than makes up for any imperfections. I am so excited for the next one, and they better fking hurry up because i'm so excited. When watching it I got so scared when I realized it had probably been over 1 hour and 30 minutes, meaning the movie would soon end, and I had a million questions regarding Alitas background, the reason behind the war, who made the giant flying cities etc. I hope a lot of it will be answered in the next movie. And I also expect it to be at least 3 hours, because they have sooooooooo much material to work with.

Also I have not watched the Anime this was based off of, and therefore I do not know if it does the movie any justice, but even id it did not I would still watch it again. The movie is so good.

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