
IMDb member since February 2019
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Los Domirriqueños 2

No plagiarism here! Mastery from Puerto Rico's present-day Preston Sturges.
Ignore the haters... simply surrender yourself to the charms of Jorge 'Gordito Sabroso' Pabón, the impeccable comic timing of Alejandro Gil, the never-before-seen antics of the 'Holy Sanky Panky' guys, the 1,000% non-offensive Actor's Studio spectacle from Eugenio Monclova , the unforgettable craftsmanship from renowned self-interviewer Alba Nydia Díaz...... and the joy of knowing you are in the incredibly capable hands of the gentleman who has turned 'chapusería' and 'me copié y qué!' into a rallying cry for millions: Eduardo 'Transfor' Ortiz, whose 'Vasos de papel' catastrophe now feels like it happened 75 years ago. When you finish watching this glorious piece of work, you will feel like you have eaten the best 'Xanax & Mofongo' dish ever made.... and I cannot think of a higher compliment! PD: The MovieToilets guys are envious basement-dwellers.

La noche en que apareció Toño Bicicleta

The first masterpiece from Puerto Rico's Coen Brothers equivalent.
You will never be able to look at a liquor bottle the same way again... and you will be happy about it. Puerto Rico's finest actors dazzle in an unforgettable cinematic jewel from the greatest living Puerto Rican duo besides the Beveraggi sisters. Sky high in the pantheon of first films, this one has it all: pathos, ethos, suspense, sexy time, and highly-exciting forced entry. The real-life Toño Bicicleta has danced in his grave every single day since the release of this film. If you get the chance to see it, you will understand why. Here's to you having that chance.

El Poder del Shakti

The Holy Grail of all out-of-print Puerto Rican films.
Fantasy. Hercolobus. Top Puerto Rican actors. Glitzy theatrical premiere. A cult classic was born... then, it disappeared, seemingly forever. Never released on home video, it only exists in the memory of those fortunate souls who went to cinemas in Puerto Rico and basked in the never-to-be-repeated glory of the human being known as Joseph Lando. There are so many out-of-print Puerto Rican films... but this one is the mother-lode. We can only dream... hope... wish that we get the chance to have our lives permanently improved by the re-release of this bona-fide masterpiece. Our future existence as a species depends on it.

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