Peanut Hunt
Peanut Hunt is an irreverent comedy that satirizes children’s public television. The show follows both the onscreen and the behind-the-scenes interactions of the cast and crew of “Peanut Hunt”, a fictional PBS style children’s learning show that has been around for 30 years and is rumored to be on the verge of cancellation due to declining viewership and support. The show consists of short learning and “edutainment” segments hosted by different cast members.
Overall, Peanut Hunt has a tone similar to The Larry Sanders Show, Reno 911 and Curb Your Enthusiasm, utilizing improvisation within an overall structured storyline.
The main plot revolves around continuing efforts to revitalize “Peanut Hunt” and produce high quality weekly episodes. These efforts invariably lead to conflict among and within the cast and the producers. This conflict is offset by the shows level-headed producer Kristen, who is often the only voice of reason and experience in this highly dysfunctional group. Each episode of Peanut Hunt will follow the ongoing behind-the-scenes storylines while also highlighting clips from that week’s “show”. Like Sesame Street and The Muppet Show , the format allows for guest appearances from supposed former Peanut Hunt cast members and celebrity guests, while also following their interactions and eventual conflicts offstage.