- Blondes definitely do not have more fun. Trust me.
- [on her That '70s Show (1998) character, Jackie Burkhart, switching boyfriends from Michael Kelso to Steven Hyde] I think her relationship with Steven has taught her to be less selfish.
- [Denying reports of marriage] I've been engaged, I think I've already been married, And I'm sure I have a child somewhere. I'm waiting to have something else happen. No, I'm not married. And, no, I'm not engaged. And, no, I do not have a child. No one seems to listen. And next week I'll be engaged again. I think, at one point, they were like "Seen shopping in Beverly Hills for engagement rings." We were in Japan working. What is wrong with these people? Half the time you can say they misconstrued facts. But more often than not, they just make stuff up.
- Well, I was born and grew up in Russia. I wasn't allowed to be religious. My whole family was in the Holocaust. My great-grandparents passed [away] and not many survived. After the Holocaust in Russia, you were not allowed to be religious. So my parents raised me to know I was Jewish. You know who you are inside. You don't need to tell the whole world. You believe what you believe, and that's what's important. And that's how I was raised. My family was like "You are Jewish in your blood." We can celebrate Yom Kippur and Hannukah in Russia--but not by the book. We do it to our own extent because being in Russia... Bar Mitzvahs weren't held. When I was in school over there, up until I was seven, you would still see anti-Semitic signs. One of my friends who grew up in Russia... she was in second grade... and she came home one day crying. Her mother asked why she was crying and she said on the back of her seat there was a swastika. Now this is a country that obviously does not want you. So my parents raised me Jewish as much as they could and they came to America. I love my religion. I think it's a beautiful religion, but I took parts of it that I want for myself. I don't need to go to temple. I will, but I don't need to.
- I never dated Wilmer Valderrama. I never dated Danny Masterson. They're like my brothers. That's disgusting. That's wrong.
- I started acting when I was nine as a hobby because it was fun and I could get out of school. I didn't ever think that I would have it as a job because I didn't know you could have a job in acting. But now I really love what I do and I can't even imagine doing anything else.
- No-strings sex is great in theory but falls short in execution. You can't sustain a friends with benefits relationship for a long time. It's inevitable it will either go one way or the other. I have plenty of males who are my friends... without the benefits. If you're friends with someone, let's just leave it at that. There needs to be nothing more.
- I think than an actor is more likely to be forgiven in the public's eye than an actress. There will always be a double standard between males and females, so I think that an actress is more likely to protect her public persona, so to speak, than an actor would be. An actor goes crazy in a hotel room, gets trashed, throws a bench, breaks a window, and he is considered a rock star. An actress does that and she's sent to rehab and is thought to have problems and issues and can't get a job.
- I think the second you think that you're funny is when you stop being funny.
- [on Oz the Great and Powerful (2013)] This is the first film that I've ever done that kids are allowed to see.
- You have to laugh at the absurdity of this entire industry and the absurdity of what it is we do. If I didn't, I'd go crazy.
- Over the course of That '70s Show (1998), you can see me go through puberty, and who wants to watch that? No one should have that part of their life on record.
- I've always been a big proponent of not working for the sake of working because I don't want to work for the rest of my life; I want to live.
- There are two people out there, Star Trek fans and Star Wars fans... I'm a Star Trek fan. I respect Star Wars, I'm a bit of a Sci-Fi nerd but, geared towards one or the other, I'd choose Star Trek.
- [on two of her early movies, Santa with Muscles (1996) and American Psycho II: All American Girl (2002)] I was too young to fully understand the importance of working with Hulk Hogan. I just thought he was this huge man. William Shatner was different. I'm a massive Trekkie, so that was crazy. He's exactly what you think he is.
- [on her ancestry and guilt] The amount of guilt that I've perfected the use of - already on my 3-year-old - is magical... I took a 23 and Me test, where you find out... what's your DNA... and I'm thinking "I'm going to be exotic... there's going to be something wonderful about me." No, ya'll, I am 96% Ashkenazi Jew. You know what that means? I'm inbred. I am really Jewish, you guys. There is nothing about me that's exotic. I am a Jew. You know what that means? Guilt.
- [on being asked what it is like working with other women] Never in my twenty years has anyone asked what it's like working with a man. No one goes to Will Ferrell and says "Hey, Will Ferrell, what's it like making a buddies comedy?" With Bad Moms (2016), I literally was like "Oh my God, I can't." What's it like making a movie that's all women? Gosh, women are 51% of us in this world. It's not like it's a snow leopard coming onto set - it's just a woman.
- If I killed somebody, I have zero doubt that if I called my best friend and was like "Hey, grab a shovel", she wouldn't even ask the question.
- Comedy is very hard and I don't know if it's where my heart necessarily is but doing comedy is one of those things where if something is funny right now does not necessarily mean it's going to sustain itself for a year in production and be funny when the movie comes out and that to me is the hardest thing. I love playing different characters and I love doing fun things and I love to entertain people, whether that be in a comedy or a drama. If I get you to laugh or I get you to cry I'm super stoked, as morbid as that might sound.
- I think anyone who at 26 is going to attempt to be a professional ballerina is going to physically kill themselves. Baths are what I looked forward to, every single night! And a glass of wine!
- People have interpretations of what you're supposed to be like. If you're unattractive and overweight, you must have a great personality. If you're attractive, then you must not be the nicest person. People are always taken aback that I'm easygoing but not necessarily stupid.
- I wanted to quit the industry when I was eighteen and finish That '70s Show (1998), finish my contract on the show and go to college because I was pretty convinced that after 70's and after being on a show for eight years that I would be very much pigeonholed for something specific that I didn't want to be a part of anymore. So my attempt at college failed miserably and I dropped out and decided that this is what I wanted to do for a living. When I made that decision I had to convince myself to disassociate myself from the industry, if that makes any sense, to be who I am and to have this just be what I do and that the paths could never cross. If they did then I think that given after '70's it was like a good year of just pure rejection. So if I didn't disassociate myself from what I did I would probably go through depression, I would assume, or go through some hard times. But I didn't and I always had some other things that were more important to me. I had family that was more important. I had my life that was more important. I had hobbies that were more important and this was just my job.
- I very much have always felt like an American... People were like, 'Oh, you're so Eastern European.' I was like, 'I'm so L.A.!
- I didn't fail school. I dropped out. I did not fail. I was actually a pretty good student. My problem was that I didn't know what I wanted to study. What was I going to go in? Undecided? I took a class on Zionist theory. I took classes that interested me, that weren't necessarily for a specific degree. Then I realized and spoke to my parents and I said, 'I do love what I do and I want to pursue it.' They were like, 'Oh, why don't you just drop out.'
- I turned to my kids and I was like, 'You are half-Ukrainian, half-American!' I literally was like, 'Look, you!' And my kids were like, 'Yeah mom, I get it.' And I was like, 'No! You are Ukrainian and American. You are half-Iowa, half-Ukraine.'
- It's all perspective. Your version of normal and my version of normal is different. My kids' version of normal is incredibly different. So it's perspective. You try to surround them with diversity. We try to surround ourselves with all aspects of life and try not to stay in our bubble, but it's hard. It is really hard! And anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.
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