Olivia Hamnett(1943-2001)
- Actress

Olivia Hamnett began her acting career in repertory theatre throughout
England before moving onto TV. After moving to Australia, Olivia
established an elegant screen presence in the TV series "Rush" as well
as playing screen wife to Richard Chamberlain in the film "The Last
Wave" and screen mother to young Ricky Schroeder in "The Earthling". A
veteran of many TV productions, it was the cult drama "Prisoner", which
enabled Olivia to deliver her most memorable performance, as Kate
Peterson, a highly intelligent and enigmatic former doctor who is
imprisoned for poisoning her partner. Many "Prisoner" fans regard the
Kate Peterson storyline as one of the absolute highpoints of the show's
seven-year run. Her untimely death has robbed the Australian acting
community of one of its finest contributors.