
Credits (text only)

Hide Hide Show Show Writer (14 credits)
 2018 Balloon (screenplay)
 2018 Gefangen: Der Fall K. (TV Movie) (teleplay)
 2009 Schutzlos (TV Movie) (teleplay)
 2007 Hochzeit um jeden Preis (TV Movie)
 2005 Ein ganz normales Paar (TV Movie)
 2003 Mounted by the Gods (Documentary) (writer)
 2002 Geld macht sexy (TV Movie)
 2000 Das Psycho-Girl (TV Movie)
 1999 Unschuldige Biester (TV Movie)
 1998 Dating Game (TV Movie)
 1998 Widows (writer)
 1996 Father's Day (written by)
Hide Hide Show Show Producer (1 credit)
 2003 Mounted by the Gods (Documentary) (co-producer)

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