Tom Kenny(I)
- Actor
- Additional Crew
- Music Department
Tom Kenny grew up in East Syracuse, New York. When Tom was young he was into comic books, drawing funny pictures and collecting records. Tom turned to stand-up comedy in Boston and San Francisco. This led to appearances on every cable show spawned by the stand-up epidemic of the '80s and '90s as well as stints on The Dennis Miller Show (1992), The Pat Sajak Show (1989), Late Night with Conan O'Brien (1993). Tom was a regular on Fox TV's The Edge (1992) and spent a year as the host of NBC's Friday Night (1983). His mainstream television appearances include Brotherly Love (1995) and David Alan Grier's sitcom debacle, The Preston Episodes (1995). Tom supplies the voice for "Heffer" the cow on Nickelodeon's Rocko's Modern Life (1993) and Nickelodeon's SpongeBob SquarePants (1999), as well as regular performances on The Cartoon Network's Dexter's Laboratory (1996), Justice League (2001), The Powerpuff Girls (1998), and Johnny Bravo (1997). Tom joined the cast of Mr. Show with Bob and David (1995) where he met his future wife Jill Talley. Together they've teamed up on Comedy Central's The Mark Thomas Comedy Product (1996), the stage show "The Show With Two Heads", HBO's Not Necessarily the Election (1996), the The Smashing Pumpkins' "Tonight, Tonight" video and Travis "Sing" video.
- Awards
- 14 wins & 31 nominations total
TV Series
- SpongeBob
- Gary
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- Narrator
- French Narrator
- Jellyfish
- Customers
- Crowd
- Fish #1
- Announcer
- Old Man Walker
- Patchy the Pirate
- Cop
- Customer #1
- Gary the Snail
- Kids
- Old Man
- Spongebob
- Customer
- Dirty Bubble
- Clam
- Customer #2
- Fish #3
- Fish #40
- Old Fish
- Fish #2
- Kid
- Slappy
- TV Announcer
- Worm
- Clams
- Fish #107
- Hans
- SpongeBob's Dad
- Spongebob Squarepants
- Urchins
- Anchovies
- Baby Prunes
- Bottomites
- Chef
- Cop #1
- Dad
- Drivers
- Fiasco
- Fish
- Fish #41
- Guy #1
- Robot
- Snail
- Audience
- Captain
- Citizens
- Customer #3
- Customer #4
- Customer #5
- Fish #4
- Harold
- Male Fish #2
- Male Fish #3
- Mayor
- Patchy
- Pedestrians
- Salesman
- Sea Bear
- Security Guard
- Snail Fail
- SpongeBob Squarepants
- Waiter
- Baby
- Big Guy
- Boy #2
- Buff Guy
- Buford
- Bus Driver
- Clock
- Clowns
- Cop #2
- Customer #6
- DJ
- Driver
- Fifi
- Fish #42
- Fish #5
- Fish #6
- Fish #64
- Fish #83
- Geek Fish
- Guards
- Guy
- Guy in Shower
- Gym Bros
- Harold SquarePants
- Judge
- Kid #2
- Male Customer #2
- Male Fish
- Man
- Mom
- Monkey
- Mr. SquarePants
- Nematodes
- Old Man Fish
- Patron
- Patron #3
- Patrons
- Police Officer
- Prisoner #5
- Radio Announcer
- Robber
- Robotic Voice
- Scotsman
- Sea Bunnies
- Sea Mule
- Seahorse
- SpongeTom
- Squidward's House
- Surfer Fish
- TV Voice
- Trash Fish
- Trucker
- Urchin
- Worker
- 50s Narrator
- Accountant Fish
- Adult Tooth
- Agent
- Alarm Clock
- Alligator
- Alligators
- Angler Fish Clams
- Angry Crowd
- Angry Fish
- Angry Patty
- Animatronic Elves
- Announcer #2
- Applicant #1
- Assembly Workers
- Astronaut
- Audience Member
- Audience Member 1
- Babies
- Baby Duck
- Baby Worm
- Balloon Salesman
- Band Member #2
- Bank Robber
- Bank Robber #1
- Barbershop Quartet
- Barky
- Beachgoers
- Beefy Chum
- Bellboy
- Bert
- Beuford
- Big Clown
- Big Fish Four Eyes
- Big Kid
- Big Miner Fish
- Big Nose Fish
- Big Poodle Worm
- Biker 1
- Bikers
- Bill
- Billy Fish
- Boat Driver #1
- Boat Horn
- Bongos Bear
- Book
- Boss
- Bouncer
- Boy #1
- Boy Fish
- Boy Snail
- Brad
- Bubble Person
- Bubble Prisoner
- Buff Actor
- Bumble Jelly
- Business Fish #1
- Business Man
- Businessman
- Cabin
- Camera Man
- Cameraman
- Can Kid
- Cannonball Flea
- Car Fish
- Card
- Caroler #3
- Cashier
- Cat
- Cave Sponge
- Cave SpongeBob
- Chairs
- Champ #1
- Chip
- Choir
- Chopped Liver
- Chum
- Chum Monkey
- Chumbot
- Citizen
- Clair St. Claire
- Clam Snail
- Clementine
- Clerk
- Club Members
- Coat Baby
- Cock-A-Doodle Clam
- Cockney Worm
- Comic Convention Kid
- Comic Store Clerk
- Comic Store Owner
- Commissioner
- Commuters
- Computer
- Computer Snow Yellow
- Computer Voice
- Construction Fish
- Construction Fish #1
- Construction Worker
- Construction Workers
- Convention Attendees
- Convention Goers
- Cool Teen
- Country Squirrel
- Cousin #1
- Cowboy
- Cowboy Student #2
- Crab #1
- Crew
- CrewLeader
- Crupski
- Cupid Robot
- Curator
- Customer Fish
- Customer#6
- Cute Kid
- Dad Fish
- Dad SquarePants
- Dads
- Dancers
- Delivery Fish #2
- Delivery Man
- Deputy Pants
- Derek
- Director
- Doctor
- Doll
- Dollar #3
- Don
- Doorman
- Dylan
- Eel
- Elderly Fish #1
- Elderly Zombie
- Electric Eye
- Electronic British Voice
- Elephant Snail
- Elves
- Emcee
- Emergency Dispatcher
- Even More Elderly Customer
- Extra #1
- Eye Patch Guy
- Eyeball #1
- Face Freeze
- Fan Boy #2
- Fancy Guest #1
- Fancy Man Fish
- Fans
- Farmer
- Farmer Fish
- Faux-chovies
- Female Cop
- Firefish
- Firemen
- First Mate
- Fish #106
- Fish #152
- Fish #152's Underwear
- Fish #155
- Fish #156
- Fish #184
- Fish #24
- Fish #37
- Fish #37A
- Fish #39
- Fish #45
- Fish #47
- Fish #50
- Fish #60
- Fish #71
- Fish #86
- Fish #92
- Fish Boy
- Fish Driver
- Fish Dude
- Fish Guy
- Fish Guy #1
- Fish Guy #2
- Fish#3
- Fish37#
- Fleas
- Flight Attendant #2
- Flower 2
- Forest Creatures
- Frank
- Frankenstein Gorilla
- Freddie
- French Announcer
- French Horn
- Fuel Gauge
- Gang Member #1
- Garbage Fish
- Garbageman #1
- Gepetto
- Ghost #1
- Ghost Mailman
- Ghosts
- Girl Snail
- Girly Teengirl
- Glove Robot
- Glove Worker
- Glove World Patrons
- Goofy Goober
- Goofy Goober Employee
- Goofy Goober Waiter
- Graffiti SpongeBob
- Grandpa
- Grass #1
- Great Scallop
- Greek Chorus
- Grocery Store Owner
- Grubby Grouper
- Guard
- Guard #1
- Guard #2
- Guest #1
- Guests
- Gus
- Guy #2
- Hairball
- Hand Creature
- Handsome Man
- Handymen
- Hat Kid
- Health Inspector #1
- High Dive Flea
- Hillfolk
- Hoodoo
- Hook Fish
- Hoops
- Hospital Patient
- Hot Sauce Drop
- Howard Blandy
- Ice Cream Vendor
- Ice Cream Worker
- Injured Driver #1
- Internal Affairs Officer #1
- Iron Eye
- Isopod's Wife
- Jazz Club Punks
- Jeeves
- Jeff Tentacles
- Jellien Fish #3
- Jellien Gary
- Jellien Minion
- Jellies
- Jelly Bee
- Jelly Fisher
- Jellyfish Bats
- Jellyfishers
- JimBob
- Judge #3
- Judge B. Trout
- Jungle Spider
- Kelp-Thing
- Keyboardist
- Keystone Cop #2
- Kid #1
- Kid #4
- Kid #5
- Kid Beachgoer
- Kid Fish
- King
- King Jellyfish
- Krabby Patty
- Krabs' Claw
- Ladies
- Larry
- Lazer
- Leech
- Library Police
- Lifeguard
- Line Fish #1
- Little Kid
- Live Action Broccoli
- Loudspeaker
- Mad Fish
- Maestro
- Mail Fish
- Mail Man
- Mailman
- Maitre'd
- Male Customer #3
- Male Customer #6
- Male Dancer #2
- Male Fan #2
- Male Fangtooth Fish
- Male Fish #1
- Male Fish #106
- Male Fish #41
- Male Fish #5
- Male Jellyfisher #3
- Male Reporter #2
- Male Security Fish #2
- Male Soap Opera Fish
- Man #1
- Man Pesant
- Manicure Guy
- Marco
- Martian #1
- Master Marty
- Mechanical Bull
- Medic
- Mel
- Mermaid Man Doll
- Mermaidman Doll
- Meteor
- Milkman
- Minnow
- Mirror SpongeBot
- Mister
- Moby
- Model
- Molecular Analyzer
- Monster
- Monsters
- Moon
- Moon Gills
- Moon Jelly
- Moose
- Moose Snail
- Moppettes
- Motorcycle Fish
- Mover #2
- Mr. Crustacean
- Mr. Dollar
- Mr. Krabs
- Mr. Pepalino
- Mrs. Puff's Dad
- Muscle Fish
- Muscle Guy
- Museum Curator
- Museum Tape
- Music Cop #1
- Music Lover
- Mustache Narwhal
- Mutant Arm
- Mysterious Noise
- Nails
- Nanny
- Narwhal #3
- Narwhal Stick Figure
- Neddlefish #1
- Nerdy Customers
- Nerdy Fish Husband
- New Age Narrator
- Newsies
- Nitwit #2
- Octopus Dude
- Off Model SpongeBob
- Olaf #9
- Old Coot
- Old Executive
- Old Fish #2
- Old Folks
- Old Guy
- Old Head
- Old Klopnodian Man
- Old Lady
- Old Man Employee
- Old Man Greeter
- Old Man Jenkins
- Old Man with Beard
- Oldie
- Owl
- PA System
- Pa Narwhal
- Pa Sponge
- Pale Fish
- Park Goer
- Passenger
- Passengers
- Patchy-Santa
- Patrick
- Patrick's Conscience
- Patty
- Pearl
- Pearl Puller
- Pedestrian Robots
- Pedro
- Pet Owners
- Pet Shop Owner
- Peter Lorre Fish
- Peterson
- Phantom
- Phone
- Phorkys
- Photo Fish
- Photographer
- Pillow
- Pillow Fish
- Pilot #1
- Pinch-o-Matic
- Pinocchio
- Pipsqueak
- Pizza Guy
- Plankton
- Plankton Cousin #1
- Plankton Cousin #4
- Plankton Cousin #6
- Plankton Cousin #8
- Pod #1
- Police
- Police Dispatcher
- Police Fish
- Policeman
- Poo Fish
- Popeye Fish
- Postal Workers
- Postman
- Prehistoric Gary
- Prickles
- Primitive Sponge
- Prince Robot
- Prisoner #1
- Prisoner #3
- Prisoners
- Professor Magma
- Puppet
- Purple Fish
- Pyrite Ponderer
- Q-T-Pi-Monster-Q-T-Pi
- Radio
- Radio DJ
- Radio Voice
- Re-enactor #2
- Record Executive
- Recorded Voice
- Reflection
- Reindeer
- Reporter
- Riders
- Rioter Fish #2
- Roach #1
- Robot Gary
- Robotic Horse
- Rock Bottomites
- Roger
- Roller Coaster Riders
- Rolly
- Russian Pet Store Owner
- Sailor
- Sailor Tough Guy
- Salt Shaker
- Sandman
- Sandy
- Scallop
- Scout
- Scout Leader
- Scratchy Metallic Voice
- Sea Bears
- Sea Bunny
- Sea Chimp King
- Sea Cow
- Sea Gorilla Monster
- Sea Panther
- Sea Snake
- Sea Urchin
- Sea Urchins
- Seagull
- Security Alarm
- Security Fish #1
- Security Guards
- Security System
- Shark
- Shark Boy #1
- Shiny
- Ship Salesman
- Shoe Manager
- Shoppers
- Short Doctor
- Show Announcer
- Sideshow Barker
- Simmy
- Singer
- Singer #1
- Singers
- Skater Fish
- Skeleton #2
- Skeleton Fish
- Skill Crane
- Skinny Fish
- Skull #2
- Skull on Doubloon
- Slappy Heads
- Slappy Spiders
- Sleeping Kid
- Slim Plankton Cousin
- Slow Motion Kids
- Slug
- Smitty
- Snail #1
- Snail #13
- Snail #2
- Snail Babies
- Snooty Narrator
- Snooty Worms
- Snow Yellow
- Soap Opera Fish
- Soldiers
- Son
- Son In Crowd
- Sorry
- Spat
- Spectator
- SpongeBob Balloon
- SpongeBob Copies
- SpongeBob Demon
- SpongeBob Guard
- SpongeBob Toy
- SpongeBob's Grandson
- SpongeBob's Shoe
- SpongeBob's Skeleton
- SpongeBob's Skin
- SpongeBob's Tastebuds
- SpongeBob's Teeth
- SpongeBob's Underwear
- SpongeBot
- SpongeBox
- SpongeBuck
- SpongeGar
- SpongeGary
- SpongeGoose
- SpongeTron
- SpongeTron's Clones
- Squid #2
- Squid Guard
- Squidward
- Stage Manager
- Strange Fish #1
- Street Sweeper
- Student #1
- Student Fish #1
- Students
- Studio Audience
- Sub Driver
- Sucker Shake
- Surfer #2
- Surfer Fish #41
- Swat Member #1
- T.V. Announcer
- TV Announcer #1
- TV Announcer #2
- TV Fish
- TV Guy
- Talent Agent
- Tall Fish
- Tall Tail
- Tank Computer
- Tank Fish
- Ted
- Teen Boy #2
- Teen Boy #4
- Teen Boy #7
- Teenager #1
- Teller
- The Dead
- The Kruncher
- The Takeoverer
- The Tickler
- Theatre Fish #1
- Thug #1
- Tiki Alien #2
- Tiki Alien Soldiers
- Tiki Alien Worker #2
- Tiki Alien Workers
- Toilet
- Tongue
- Tough Fish
- Tough Fish #3
- Tough Fish Guy
- Tough Guy #5
- Tough Tattoo Guys
- Tour Guide
- Tourists
- Tower
- Tower Guard
- Townsfolk
- ToyBob
- Train Passengers
- Trained Flea
- Training Announcer
- Trapeze Flea
- Trash Inspector #2
- Travel Agent
- Trees
- Triplet #2
- Truck Driver
- Tumbler Flea
- Turtle
- Twit
- Vampire Monster
- Vampires
- Vender Fish
- Vendor
- Video Game Announcer
- Villager
- Villains
- Waiting Customer
- Walkie Talkie
- Warden
- Water-Skier
- Wealthy Audience Members
- Weenie Bot #1
- Weird Machine
- Werewolf Customer
- Whale Babies
- Whistle
- Widow Duncan
- WillyBob
- Wolfman
- Wolfworm
- Woman
- Wood Plank
- Woolly Mollusk
- Worker Fish
- Workmen
- Worm Hogs
- Worms
- Writer
- Yellow Fish
- Yodeling Fish
- Young Mermaid Man
- Young Mermaidman
- Zombies
- 2025
- 2025
- SpongeBob SquarePants
- SpongeBob, Dirty Bubble, French Narrator, Shark Boy #1, Crowd, Announcer, Moby, Coat Baby, Shoppers, Whale Babies, Boy #2, Garbageman #1, Male Jellyfisher #3, Jellyfish, Gary, Male Reporter #2, Male Security Fish #2, Old Guy, Bottomites, Firemen, Clams, Old Man Walker, Walkie Talkie, Doll, French Horn, Sea Bunnies, Narrator, SpongeBob SquarePants (voice)
- Released
- TV Series
- 2025
- The Patrick Star Show
- Slappy, Fake Cecil Star, Mr. Rilla, Jellyfish, French Narrator, Ouchie, Lawnies (voice)
- Released
- TV Series
- 2025
Additional Crew
Music Department
- MrDankEngine's 1000th YouTube Video Celebration! (Also Celebrating 9 Years on YouTube!)TV Special
- performed by: "The Campfire Song Song"
- 2023
- 2019
- 2019
- 2010–2012
- 2005–2008
- 2005–2007
- Official sites
- Alternative names
- Thomas J. Kenney
- Height
- 5′ 11″ (1.80 m)
- Born
- Spouse
- Jill Talley1995 - present (2 children)
- ChildrenNora Kenny
- ParentsPaul Kenny
- Other worksMusic video for The Smashing Pumpkins: "Tonight, Tonight" (1996)
- Publicity listings
- TriviaGrew up and is a childhood longtime childhood friend of stand-up great Bobcat Goldthwait.
- QuotesPeople are always saying that I must have been the class clown, with all these voices. No, I was way too shy to be the class clown; I was a class clown's writer.
- TrademarksThe voice of SpongeBob SquarePants.
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