Judy Prestininzi
- Actress
- Casting Director
- Location Management
Born in San Diego County. Developed interest in Titanic at age 7.
Married at 18, had two sons. Always involved in some form of
entertaining, singing, acting etc. There have been many local plays and
theater performances. Two guests appearances on "Renegade" were her
first television experiences.
Titanic (1997) was her first film. While
filming she kept a daily journal,which she has self-published.
Writing, directing, producing, set design and filming were added as the years past. Recently received "Certificate of Achievement" for Digital Film Editing, certified in Final Cut Pro, Avid, Pro Tools, Premier, After Effect & Photoshop CS2. Since "Titanic's" release, she has done many seminars and special presentations on the film. Being on the set was a cherished experience that will be with her forever. Early in 2002 she was asked to participate in the filming of "Ghosts of the Abyss" as Molly Brown, hand picked for the role by James Cameron and Ed Marsh.
Writing, directing, producing, set design and filming were added as the years past. Recently received "Certificate of Achievement" for Digital Film Editing, certified in Final Cut Pro, Avid, Pro Tools, Premier, After Effect & Photoshop CS2. Since "Titanic's" release, she has done many seminars and special presentations on the film. Being on the set was a cherished experience that will be with her forever. Early in 2002 she was asked to participate in the filming of "Ghosts of the Abyss" as Molly Brown, hand picked for the role by James Cameron and Ed Marsh.