
Credits (text only)

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 1989 White Wedding (production secretary)
 1988 Sound and Fury (production secretary)
 1984 Le tartuffe (production secretary)
 1984 Swann in Love (administrator)
 1984 Tricheurs (secretary)
 1983 A Brutal Game (production secretary)
 1983 Liberty belle (production secretary)
 1983 Histoire du caporal (production secretary)
 1983 Danton (production secretary)
 1981 Quartet (production secretary)
 1972 L'Italien des Roses (production secretary)
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 1986 The Green Ray
in Paris
Hide Hide Show Show Location management (1 credit)
 1991 Le jour des rois (location manager)
Hide Hide Show Show Production manager (1 credit)
 1990 Europa Europa (unit manager)

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