Rosa von Praunheim Poster

Credits (text only)

Hide Hide Show Show Director (159 credits)
 2022 Rex Gildo - Der letzte Tanz (Documentary)
 2020 Making of Darkroom (Video documentary short) (uncredited)
 2020 Operndiven - Operntunten (Documentary) (directed by)
 2019 Darkroom
 2018 Friendship of Men (Documentary)
 2017 Survival in Berlin-Neukölln (Documentary)
 2017 ACT! - Wer bin ich? (Documentary)
 2015 Tough Love
 2014 Laura - Das Juwel von Stuttgart (Documentary)
 2014 Auf der Suche nach Heilern (TV Movie documentary)
 2014 Praunheim Memoires (Documentary)
 2012 Amélie - Das Mädchen aus dem Hinterhaus (Short documentary)
 2012 Ausländer raus (Documentary short)
 2012 Aus Liebe zum Theater (Documentary short)
 2012/II Ave Maria (Documentary short)
 2012 Babeth (Documentary short)
 2012 Baptisten in Berlin (Short documentary)
 2012 Berlin Callboys (Documentary short)
 2012 Berlin Frobenstraße (Documentary short)
 2012 Bin ich Dein Onkel? (Documentary short)
 2012 Bukarest Nordbahnhof (Documentary short)
 2012 Dan Tang (Documentary short)
 2012 Das Abaton (Documentary short)
 2012 David Koks (Short)
 2012 Der falsche Graf (Documentary short)
 2012 Der härteste Türsteher Berlins (Documentary short)
 2012 Der heilige Schein (Documentary short)
 2012 Der kranke Dichter (Short documentary)
 2012 Der Luxus-Zahnarzt (Documentary short)
 2012 Der Satanist (Documentary short)
 2012 Eine Drag Queen aus Amsterdam (Documentary short)
 2012 Eine jüdische Familie (Short documentary)
 2012 Eine lesbische Witwe (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein engagiertes Leben (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein grüner Sachse im Wedding (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein hartes Leben (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein Journalist aus New York (Short documentary)
 2012 Ein schöner Akrobat (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein schwuler Schornsteinfeger (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein Vater stirbt (Documentary short)
 2012/II Eva & Adele (Documentary short)
 2012 Eva Love (Documentary short)
 2012 Eva Mattes (Short documentary)
 2012 Gay Not Grey - Anders altern (Documentary short)
 2012 Germans Taste the Best (Short)
 2012 Gipsy Queen von New York (Documentary short)
 2012 Globales Lernen in Neukölln (Short documentary)
 2012 Ich bin Edith aus Neukölln (Documentary short)
 2012 Ich bin ein erfolgreicher Türke (Documentary short)
 2012 Ichgola Androgyn (Documentary short)
 2012 Ich liebe große Hüte (Documentary short)
 2012 Jugendtheater in Brandenburg (Documentary short)
 2012 Kings of Porn (Documentary short)
 2012 Klatschreporter (Documentary short)
 2012 Knut ist gut (Documentary short)
 2012 Marta und Hilde (Short)
 2012 Meine Nachbarn (Documentary short)
 2012 Mein Preussenpark (Documentary short)
 2012 Missbraucht, Polizist und Mörder (Documentary short)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Filme (Documentary short)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Mäuse (Documentary short)
 2012 Möpse in Not (Documentary short)
 2012 Mösenmonat März (Documentary short)
 2012 New York Sisters (Documentary short)
 2012 Oberbürgermeister Schütz (Short documentary)
 2012 Outing Goethe (Documentary short)
 2012 Pädos und Hilfe für Jungs (Documentary short)
 2012 Peter Raue - Anwalt und Kunstliebhaber (Documentary short)
 2012 Porno Peto Meets the House of Galore (Documentary short)
 2012 Professorin in Weimar (Documentary short)
 2012 Rummelsnuff (Documentary short)
 2012 Schwestern der Perpetuellen Indulgenz (Documentary short)
 2012 Sin with Sebastian (Documentary short)
 2012 Suzy, Elage und Hartz 4 (Documentary short)
 2012 This Brunner (Documentary short)
 2012 Valentina (Documentary short)
 2012 Von Auschwitz nach New York (Documentary short)
 2012 Was ist böse? (Documentary short)
 2012 Werner Schroeter (Documentary short)
 2012 König des Comics (Documentary)
 2011 Rent Boys (Documentary)
 2010 20xBrandenburg (TV Movie documentary) (segment "Knast und Kinder")
 2010 New York Memories (Documentary)
 2009 Rosas Höllenfahrt (Documentary)
 2009 24h Berlin - Ein Tag im Leben (TV Movie documentary) (segment director)
 2008 Tote Schwule - Lebende Lesben (Documentary)
 2007 Mit Olga auf der Wolga (Documentary)
 2005 Umsonst gelebt - Walter Schwarze (Documentary short)
 2005 Männer, Helden, schwule Nazis (Documentary)
 2005 Wer ist Helene Schwarz? (Documentary)
 2004 Ratten 07 (Documentary)
 2003 Charlotte in Schweden (Documentary short)
 2002 Pfui, Rosa! (TV Movie documentary)
 2002 Tunten lügen nicht (Documentary)
 1999 Wunderbares Wrodow (TV Movie documentary)
 1996 Transexual Menace (TV Movie documentary)
 1994 Meine Oma hatte einen Nazipuff (TV Movie documentary)
 1992 I Am My Own Woman (Documentary)
 1991 Schrill, schräg und schwul (TV Mini Series documentary)
 1991 Stolz und schwul (Documentary)
 1990 Die Weisheit (Short)
 1990 Life Is Like a Cucumber (Documentary)
 1990 Silence = Death (Documentary)
 1989 Survival in New York (Documentary)
 1987 Dolly, Lotte und Maria (Documentary)
 1984 Horror Vacui
 1982 Mein New York (TV Movie documentary)
 1982 Red Love
 1981 Unsere Leichen leben noch (Documentary)
 1980 AR - Auslandsreporter (TV Series documentary short)
 1980 Gräfin von Richthofen (Documentary short)
 1979 Tally Brown, New York (Documentary)
 1977 Frühling für Frankfurt (Short)
 1977 Portrait George and Mike Kuchar (Documentary short)
 1977 Der 24. Stock (Documentary)
 1976 Underground and Emigrants (Documentary)
 1976 Porträt Marianne Rosenberg (Documentary short)
 1975 Rosa von Praunheim zeigt (Documentary short)
 1974 Axel von Auersperg (TV Movie)
 1972 Leidenschaften (Documentary)
 1971 Homosexuelle in New York (Short)
 1971 Die Bettwurst
 1969 Samuel Beckett (Short)
 1969 Schwestern der Revolution (Short)
 1968 Von Rosa von Praunheim (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Writer (149 credits)
 2022 Rex Gildo - Der letzte Tanz (Documentary) (screenplay)
 2020 Making of Darkroom (Video documentary short) (written by - uncredited)
 2020 Operndiven - Operntunten (Documentary) (by)
 2019 Darkroom (screenplay)
 2018 Friendship of Men (Documentary) (script)
 2017 Survival in Berlin-Neukölln (Documentary)
 2017 ACT! - Wer bin ich? (Documentary)
 2015 Tough Love (written by)
 2014 Auf der Suche nach Heilern (TV Movie documentary) (by)
 2014 Praunheim Memoires (Documentary) (writer)
 2012 Amélie - Das Mädchen aus dem Hinterhaus (Short documentary) (concept)
 2012 Ausländer raus (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Aus Liebe zum Theater (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012/II Ave Maria (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Axel und Peter - Titten für Arsch (Short) (concept)
 2012 Babeth (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Baptisten in Berlin (Short documentary) (concept)
 2012 Berlin Callboys (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Berlin Frobenstraße (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Bin ich Dein Onkel? (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Bukarest Nordbahnhof (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Dan Tang (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Das Abaton (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 David Koks (Short) (concept)
 2012 Der falsche Graf (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Der fröhliche Serienmörder (Short) (concept)
 2012 Der härteste Türsteher Berlins (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Der heilige Schein (Documentary short) (written by)
 2012 Der kranke Dichter (Short documentary) (concept)
 2012 Der Luxus-Zahnarzt (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Der Satanist (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Eine Drag Queen aus Amsterdam (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Eine jüdische Familie (Short documentary) (concept)
 2012 Eine lesbische Witwe (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Ein engagiertes Leben (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Ein grüner Sachse im Wedding (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Ein hartes Leben (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Ein Journalist aus New York (Short documentary) (concept)
 2012 Ein schöner Akrobat (Documentary short) (written by)
 2012 Ein schwuler Schornsteinfeger (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Ein Vater stirbt (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012/II Eva & Adele (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Eva Love (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Eva Mattes (Short documentary) (concept)
 2012 Gay Not Grey - Anders altern (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Germans Taste the Best (Short) (concept)
 2012 Gipsy Queen von New York (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Globales Lernen in Neukölln (Short documentary) (concept)
 2012 Ich bin Edith aus Neukölln (Documentary short) (written by)
 2012 Ich bin ein erfolgreicher Türke (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Ichgola Androgyn (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Ich liebe große Hüte (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Jugendtheater in Brandenburg (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Kings of Porn (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Klatschreporter (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Knut ist gut (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Marta und Hilde (Short) (concept)
 2012 Meine Nachbarn (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Mein Preussenpark (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Missbraucht, Polizist und Mörder (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Filme (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Mäuse (Documentary short) (written by)
 2012 Möpse in Not (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Mösenmonat März (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 New York Sisters (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Oberbürgermeister Schütz (Short documentary) (concept)
 2012 Outing Goethe (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Pädos und Hilfe für Jungs (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Peter Raue - Anwalt und Kunstliebhaber (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Porno Peto Meets the House of Galore (Documentary short) (written by)
 2012 Professorin in Weimar (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Rosas Welt - 70 neue Filme von Rosa von Praunheim (TV Movie documentary) (written by)
 2012 Rummelsnuff (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Schwestern der Perpetuellen Indulgenz (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Sin with Sebastian (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Suzy, Elage und Hartz 4 (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 This Brunner (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Valentina (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Von Auschwitz nach New York (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Was ist böse? (Documentary short) (concept)
 2012 Werner Schroeter (Documentary short) (written by)
 2012 König des Comics (Documentary)
 2011 Rent Boys (Documentary)
 2010 New York Memories (Documentary)
 2009 Rosas Höllenfahrt (Documentary) (writer)
 2008 Der rosa Riese (concept)
 2008 Tote Schwule - Lebende Lesben (Documentary) (concept)
 2007 Sechs tote Studenten (author and screenplay)
 2007 Meine Mütter - Spurensuche in Riga (Documentary) (concept)
 2007 Mit Olga auf der Wolga (Documentary) (concept)
 2005 Umsonst gelebt - Walter Schwarze (Documentary short)
 2005 Männer, Helden, schwule Nazis (Documentary)
 2005 Wer ist Helene Schwarz? (Documentary)
 2004 Ratten 07 (Documentary) (writer)
 2003 Charlotte in Schweden (Documentary short)
 2002 Pfui, Rosa! (TV Movie documentary)
 2002 Tunten lügen nicht (Documentary)
 1999 Wunderbares Wrodow (TV Movie documentary) (writer)
 1999 The Einstein of Sex (film by)
 1999 Can I Be Your Bratwurst, Please? (Short) (screenplay)
 1998 Schwuler Mut - 100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung (Documentary) (writer)
 1996 Transexual Menace (TV Movie documentary) (writer)
 1995 Neurosia: Fifty Years of Perversion (autobiography 50 Jahre pervers)
 1994 Meine Oma hatte einen Nazipuff (TV Movie documentary)
 1992 I Am My Own Woman (Documentary)
 1991 Schrill, schräg und schwul (TV Mini Series documentary) (writer - 1991)
 1991 Stolz und schwul (Documentary)
 1990 Die Weisheit (Short) (writer)
 1990 Life Is Like a Cucumber (Documentary)
 1989 Survival in New York (Documentary) (writer)
 1987 Dolly, Lotte und Maria (Documentary) (writer)
 1986 A Virus Knows No Morals (screenplay)
 1984 Horror Vacui
 1983 City of Lost Souls (written by)
 1982 Mein New York (TV Movie documentary)
 1982 Red Love
 1981 Unsere Leichen leben noch (Documentary)
 1980 AR - Auslandsreporter (TV Series documentary short)
 1980 Gräfin von Richthofen (Documentary short)
 1979 Death Magazine: or How to Be a Flowerpot (Documentary) (writer)
 1979 Tally Brown, New York (Documentary) (writer)
 1979 Army of Lovers or Revolt of the Perverts (Documentary) (writer)
 1977 Portrait George and Mike Kuchar (Documentary short)
 1977 Der 24. Stock (Documentary)
 1976 Underground and Emigrants (Documentary)
 1976 Porträt Marianne Rosenberg (Documentary short) (writer)
 1975 Rosa von Praunheim zeigt (Documentary short) (writer)
 1974 Axel von Auersperg (TV Movie)
 1972 Leidenschaften (Documentary)
 1971 Die Bettwurst
 1969 Samuel Beckett (Short) (writer)
 1969 Schwestern der Revolution (Short) (writer)
 1968 Grotesk - Burlesk - Pittoresk (Short) (writer)
 1968 Von Rosa von Praunheim (Short) (writer)
Hide Hide Show Show Producer (146 credits)
 2022 Rex Gildo - Der letzte Tanz (Documentary) (producer)
 2020 Making of Darkroom (Video documentary short) (producer - uncredited)
 2020 Operndiven - Operntunten (Documentary) (co-producer)
 2019 Darkroom (producer)
 2018 Friendship of Men (Documentary) (producer)
 2017 Survival in Berlin-Neukölln (Documentary) (producer)
 2017 ACT! - Wer bin ich? (Documentary) (producer)
 2015 Tough Love (producer)
 2014 Wie ich lernte, die Zahlen zu lieben (Documentary) (producer)
 2014 Auf der Suche nach Heilern (TV Movie documentary) (producer)
 2014 Praunheim Memoires (Documentary) (producer)
 2012 Amélie - Das Mädchen aus dem Hinterhaus (Short documentary) (producer)
 2012 Ausländer raus (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Aus Liebe zum Theater (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012/II Ave Maria (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Axel und Peter - Titten für Arsch (Short) (producer)
 2012 Babeth (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Baptisten in Berlin (Short documentary) (producer)
 2012 Berlin Callboys (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Berlin Frobenstraße (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Bin ich Dein Onkel? (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Bukarest Nordbahnhof (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Dan Tang (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Das Abaton (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 David Koks (Short) (producer)
 2012 Der falsche Graf (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Der fröhliche Serienmörder (Short) (producer)
 2012 Der härteste Türsteher Berlins (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Der heilige Schein (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Der kranke Dichter (Short documentary) (producer)
 2012 Der Luxus-Zahnarzt (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Der Satanist (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Eine Drag Queen aus Amsterdam (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Eine jüdische Familie (Short documentary) (producer)
 2012 Eine lesbische Witwe (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ein engagiertes Leben (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ein grüner Sachse im Wedding (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ein hartes Leben (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ein Journalist aus New York (Short documentary) (producer)
 2012 Ein schöner Akrobat (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ein schwuler Schornsteinfeger (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ein Vater stirbt (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012/II Eva & Adele (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Eva Love (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Eva Mattes (Short documentary) (producer)
 2012 Gay Not Grey - Anders altern (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Germans Taste the Best (Short) (producer)
 2012 Gipsy Queen von New York (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Globales Lernen in Neukölln (Short documentary) (producer)
 2012 Ich bin Edith aus Neukölln (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ich bin ein erfolgreicher Türke (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ich bin ein Gedicht (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ichgola Androgyn (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Ich liebe große Hüte (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Jugendtheater in Brandenburg (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Kings of Porn (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Klatschreporter (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Knut ist gut (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Marta und Hilde (Short) (producer)
 2012 Meine Nachbarn (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Mein Preussenpark (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Missbraucht, Polizist und Mörder (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Filme (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Mäuse (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Möpse in Not (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Mösenmonat März (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 New York Sisters (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Oberbürgermeister Schütz (Short documentary) (producer)
 2012 Outing Goethe (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Pädos und Hilfe für Jungs (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Peter Raue - Anwalt und Kunstliebhaber (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Porno Peto Meets the House of Galore (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Professorin in Weimar (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Rosas Welt - 70 neue Filme von Rosa von Praunheim (TV Movie documentary) (producer)
 2012 Rummelsnuff (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Schwestern der Perpetuellen Indulgenz (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Sin with Sebastian (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Suzy, Elage und Hartz 4 (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 This Brunner (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Valentina (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Von Auschwitz nach New York (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Was ist böse? (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 Werner Schroeter (Documentary short) (producer)
 2012 König des Comics (Documentary) (producer)
 2011 Rent Boys (Documentary) (producer)
 2010 New York Memories (Documentary) (producer)
 2009 Rosas Höllenfahrt (Documentary) (producer)
 2008 Der rosa Riese (producer)
 2008 Tote Schwule - Lebende Lesben (Documentary) (producer)
 2007 Sechs tote Studenten (producer)
 2007 Meine Mütter - Spurensuche in Riga (Documentary) (producer)
 2007 Mit Olga auf der Wolga (Documentary) (producer)
 2005 Your Heart in My Head (producer)
 2005 Umsonst gelebt - Walter Schwarze (Documentary short) (producer)
 2005 Männer, Helden, schwule Nazis (Documentary) (producer)
 2005 Wer ist Helene Schwarz? (Documentary) (producer)
 2004 Ratten 07 (Documentary) (producer)
 2003 Charlotte in Schweden (Documentary short) (producer)
 2002 Pfui, Rosa! (TV Movie documentary) (producer)
 2002 Kühe vom Nebel geschwängert (producer)
 2002 Mr. Hollywood Star (Short) (line producer)
 2002 Tunten lügen nicht (Documentary) (executive producer - uncredited)
 1999 Wunderbares Wrodow (TV Movie documentary) (producer)
 1999 The Einstein of Sex (producer)
 1998 Schwuler Mut - 100 Jahre Schwulenbewegung (Documentary) (producer)
 1996 Transexual Menace (TV Movie documentary) (producer)
 1994 Meine Oma hatte einen Nazipuff (TV Movie documentary) (producer)
 1992 I Am My Own Woman (Documentary) (producer)
 1991 Ein Mann namens Pis (producer)
 1991 Schrill, schräg und schwul (TV Mini Series documentary) (producer - 1991)
 1991 Stolz und schwul (Documentary) (producer)
 1990 Life Is Like a Cucumber (Documentary) (producer)
 1990 Silence = Death (Documentary) (executive producer)
 1989 Survival in New York (Documentary) (producer)
 1987 Anita: Dances of Vice (producer)
 1987 Dolly, Lotte und Maria (Documentary) (producer)
 1986 A Virus Knows No Morals (producer)
 1984 Horror Vacui (producer)
 1983 City of Lost Souls (producer - uncredited)
 1982 Red Love (producer)
 1981 Unsere Leichen leben noch (Documentary) (producer)
 1980 Gräfin von Richthofen (Documentary short) (producer)
 1979 Death Magazine: or How to Be a Flowerpot (Documentary) (producer)
 1979 Tally Brown, New York (Documentary) (producer)
 1979 Army of Lovers or Revolt of the Perverts (Documentary) (producer)
 1977 Portrait George and Mike Kuchar (Documentary short) (producer)
 1977 Der 24. Stock (Documentary) (producer)
 1976 Underground and Emigrants (Documentary) (producer)
 1976 Porträt Marianne Rosenberg (Documentary short) (producer)
 1975 Berliner Bettwurst (producer)
 1975 Rosa von Praunheim zeigt (Documentary short) (producer)
 1975 Monolog eines Stars (producer)
 1974 Axel von Auersperg (TV Movie) (producer)
 1972 Leidenschaften (Documentary) (producer)
 1971 Die Bettwurst (producer)
 1969 Schwestern der Revolution (Short) (producer)
 1968 Von Rosa von Praunheim (Short) (producer)
Hide Hide Show Show Editor (104 credits)
 2020 Operndiven - Operntunten (Documentary)
 2019 Darkroom (uncredited)
 2017 Survival in Berlin-Neukölln (Documentary)
 2014 Laura - Das Juwel von Stuttgart (Documentary)
 2014 Auf der Suche nach Heilern (TV Movie documentary)
 2012 Amélie - Das Mädchen aus dem Hinterhaus (Short documentary)
 2012 Ausländer raus (Documentary short)
 2012 Aus Liebe zum Theater (Documentary short)
 2012/II Ave Maria (Documentary short)
 2012 Babeth (Documentary short)
 2012 Baptisten in Berlin (Short documentary)
 2012 Berlin Callboys (Documentary short)
 2012 Berlin Frobenstraße (Documentary short)
 2012 Bin ich Dein Onkel? (Documentary short)
 2012 Bukarest Nordbahnhof (Documentary short)
 2012 Dan Tang (Documentary short)
 2012 Das Abaton (Documentary short)
 2012 David Koks (Short)
 2012 Der falsche Graf (Documentary short)
 2012 Der härteste Türsteher Berlins (Documentary short)
 2012 Der kranke Dichter (Short documentary)
 2012 Der Luxus-Zahnarzt (Documentary short)
 2012 Der Satanist (Documentary short)
 2012 Eine Drag Queen aus Amsterdam (Documentary short)
 2012 Eine jüdische Familie (Short documentary)
 2012 Eine lesbische Witwe (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein engagiertes Leben (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein grüner Sachse im Wedding (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein hartes Leben (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein Journalist aus New York (Short documentary)
 2012 Ein schwuler Schornsteinfeger (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein Vater stirbt (Documentary short)
 2012/II Eva & Adele (Documentary short)
 2012 Eva Love (Documentary short)
 2012 Eva Mattes (Short documentary)
 2012 Gay Not Grey - Anders altern (Documentary short)
 2012 Germans Taste the Best (Short)
 2012 Gipsy Queen von New York (Documentary short)
 2012 Globales Lernen in Neukölln (Short documentary)
 2012 Ich bin ein erfolgreicher Türke (Documentary short)
 2012 Ich bin ein Gedicht (Documentary short)
 2012 Ichgola Androgyn (Documentary short)
 2012 Ich liebe große Hüte (Documentary short)
 2012 Jugendtheater in Brandenburg (Documentary short)
 2012 Kings of Porn (Documentary short)
 2012 Klatschreporter (Documentary short)
 2012 Knut ist gut (Documentary short)
 2012 Marta und Hilde (Short)
 2012 Meine Nachbarn (Documentary short)
 2012 Mein Preussenpark (Documentary short)
 2012 Missbraucht, Polizist und Mörder (Documentary short)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Filme (Documentary short)
 2012 Möpse in Not (Documentary short)
 2012 Mösenmonat März (Documentary short)
 2012 New York Sisters (Documentary short)
 2012 Oberbürgermeister Schütz (Short documentary)
 2012 Outing Goethe (Documentary short)
 2012 Pädos und Hilfe für Jungs (Documentary short)
 2012 Peter Raue - Anwalt und Kunstliebhaber (Documentary short)
 2012 Professorin in Weimar (Documentary short)
 2012 Rummelsnuff (Documentary short)
 2012 Schwestern der Perpetuellen Indulgenz (Documentary short)
 2012 Sin with Sebastian (Documentary short)
 2012 Suzy, Elage und Hartz 4 (Documentary short)
 2012 This Brunner (Documentary short)
 2012 Valentina (Documentary short)
 2012 Von Auschwitz nach New York (Documentary short)
 2012 Was ist böse? (Documentary short)
 2012 König des Comics (Documentary)
 2005 Umsonst gelebt - Walter Schwarze (Documentary short)
 2002 Pfui, Rosa! (TV Movie documentary)
 1999 Wunderbares Wrodow (TV Movie documentary)
 1990 Silence = Death (Documentary)
 1989 Survival in New York (Documentary)
 1984 Horror Vacui
 1982 Mein New York (TV Movie documentary)
 1982 Red Love
 1981 Unsere Leichen leben noch (Documentary)
 1980 Gräfin von Richthofen (Documentary short)
 1979 Tally Brown, New York (Documentary)
 1977 Frühling für Frankfurt (Short)
 1977 Portrait George and Mike Kuchar (Documentary short)
 1977 Der 24. Stock (Documentary)
 1975 Rosa von Praunheim zeigt (Documentary short)
 1974 Axel von Auersperg (TV Movie)
 1972 Leidenschaften (Documentary)
 1971 Die Bettwurst
 1969 Samuel Beckett (Short)
 1969 Schwestern der Revolution (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Cinematographer (22 credits)
 1999 Wunderbares Wrodow (TV Movie documentary)
 1982 Mein New York (TV Movie documentary)
 1980 Gräfin von Richthofen (Documentary short)
 1979 Tally Brown, New York (Documentary)
 1977 Frühling für Frankfurt (Short)
 1977 Portrait George and Mike Kuchar (Documentary short)
 1977 Der 24. Stock (Documentary)
 1976 Underground and Emigrants (Documentary)
 1972 Leidenschaften (Documentary)
 1971 Die Bettwurst
 1970 Rosa Lillies (Short)
 1969 Schwestern der Revolution (Short)
 1968/II Faces (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Actor (17 credits)
 2019 Darkroom
Schlafender in S-Bahn
 2017 Mutter (Short)
Vater 2
 2015 Vater (Short)
Man in Berlin
 2015 Desire Will Set You Free
Ezra's Agent
 2013 I Feel Like Disco
Rosa von Praunheim
 1998 Chainsmoker (Short)
Old Lady
 1987 Anita: Dances of Vice
Bruder Johannes (uncredited)
 1986 A Virus Knows No Morals
Saunabesitzer Rüdiger Kackinski
 1984 Der Biß
 1983 City of Lost Souls
Mann mit Hund (uncredited)
 1975 Monolog eines Stars
 1968 Carla (Short)
 1968 A Dandy in Aspic
Extra (uncredited)
Hide Hide Show Show Sound department (8 credits)
 1980 Gräfin von Richthofen (Documentary short) (sound)
 1977 Portrait George and Mike Kuchar (Documentary short) (sound)
 1977 Der 24. Stock (Documentary) (sound)
 1975 Monolog eines Stars (sound)
 1972 Leidenschaften (Documentary) (sound)
 1969 Schwestern der Revolution (Short) (sound)
 1968 Von Rosa von Praunheim (Short) (sound)
Hide Hide Show Show Art director (5 credits)
 2006 Göttliche Durga (TV Short)
 2006 Mr. & Mrs. Murali (TV Short)
 2006 Jin-Riki-Sha (Documentary short)
 2006 Stauzone (Documentary short)
 1971 Die Bettwurst
Hide Hide Show Show Additional Crew (4 credits)
 2013 I Am Divine (Documentary) (archival material)
 2011 Vito (Documentary) (archival material)
 2010 homo@lv (Documentary) (screenplay consultant)
 1989 Survival in New York (Documentary) (interviews)
Hide Hide Show Show Art department (3 credits)
 2018 Synth.Ikon (Short) (paintings)
 2005 Netto (artistic supervisor - as Prof. Rosa von Praunheim)
 2002 S (Short) (artistic supervisor - as Prof. Rosa von Praunheim)
Hide Hide Show Show Second Unit Director or Assistant Director (2 credits)
 1969 Neurasia (Short) (assistant director)
 1968 (A)lter (A)ction (assistant director - as Holger Mischwitzky)
Hide Hide Show Show Casting department (2 credits)
 2019 Darkroom (casting - uncredited)
 2015 Tough Love (casting)
Hide Hide Show Show Animation department (1 credit)
 2012 Rosas Welt - 70 neue Filme von Rosa von Praunheim (TV Movie documentary) (graphic design)
Hide Hide Show Show Composer (1 credit)
 1968 Von Rosa von Praunheim (Short)
Hide Hide Show Show Editorial department (1 credit)
 2018 Friendship of Men (Documentary) (assistant editor)
Hide Hide Show Show Production manager (1 credit)
 1971 Die Bettwurst (unit manager)
Hide Hide Show Show Thanks (11 credits)
 2023 Long Long Kiss (Short) (thanks)
 2017 The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson (Documentary) (the filmmakers wish to thank)
 2015 Desire Will Set You Free (special thanks)
 2013 Hanna's Journey (thanks)
 2013 I Feel Like Disco (thanks - as Prof. Rosa von Praunheim)
 2013 One Zero One: The Story of Cybersissy & BayBjane (Documentary) (thanks)
 2012 Men to Kiss (the producers wish to thank)
 2008 Auge in Auge - Eine deutsche Filmgeschichte (Documentary) (thanks)
 2006 Four Minutes (thanks)
 1968 (A)lter (A)ction (dedicatee)
Hide Hide Show Show Self (120 credits)
 2022 Chez Krömer (TV Series)
- Rosa von Praunheim (2022) ... Self
 2022 Rex Gildo - Der letzte Tanz (Documentary)
Self (uncredited)
 2021/IV Isolation (Documentary)
Self (segment "Two Fathers")
 2020 Making of Darkroom (Video documentary short)
Self (uncredited)
 2020 Abendshow: Live aus Berlin (TV Series)
- Episode #4.12 (2020) ... Self
 2019 The 2019 European Film Awards (TV Special)
Self - Presenter
 2018 Friendship of Men (Documentary)
Self (uncredited)
 2017 Pantoffelkino (TV Series)
Self - Guest
- Folge 102 (2017) ... Self - Guest
 2017 Zibb (TV Series documentary)
- Episode dated 21 November 2017 (2017) ... Self
 2013-2017 Kölner Treff (TV Series)
- Ausgabe 436 (2017) ... Self
- Episode dated 26 July 2013 (2013) ... Self
 2017 Kulturplatz (TV Series documentary)
- Stop Aids (2017) ... Self
 2017 My Wonderful West Berlin (Documentary)
 2016 Das Herz von Stuttgart (Short)
Self (voice)
 2015 Tellement Gay! Homosexualité et pop culture (TV Mini Series documentary)
Self - Écrivain et réalisateur
- Out (2015) ... Self - Écrivain et réalisateur
- Inside (2015) ... Self - Écrivain et réalisateur
 2015 Tietjen und Bommes (TV Series)
- Episode dated 8 May 2015 (2015) ... Self
 2015 Markus Lanz (TV Series)
- Episode dated 22 April 2015 (2015) ... Self
 2008-2015 DAS! (TV Series)
- Episode dated 14 April 2015 (2015) ... Self
- Episode dated 11 July 2010 (2010) ... Self
- Episode dated 27 February 2008 (2008) ... Self
 2014 Wie ich lernte, die Zahlen zu lieben (Documentary)
 2014 Somewhere Over the Rainbow (TV Movie documentary)
Self - Regisseur
 2014 Auf der Suche nach Heilern (TV Movie documentary)
 2012 Ausländer raus (Documentary short)
 2012 Babeth (Documentary short)
 2012 Baptisten in Berlin (Short documentary)
 2012 Das Abaton (Documentary short)
 2012 Der falsche Graf (Documentary short)
 2012 Der heilige Schein (Documentary short)
Self (uncredited)
 2012 Der Satanist (Documentary short)
 2012 Eine Drag Queen aus Amsterdam (Documentary short)
 2012 Eine lesbische Witwe (Documentary short)
 2012 Ein schöner Akrobat (Documentary short)
Self (uncredited)
 2012/II Eva & Adele (Documentary short)
 2012 Eva Love (Documentary short)
 2012 Eva Mattes (Short documentary)
 2012 Ich bin Edith aus Neukölln (Documentary short)
Self (uncredited)
 2012 Ich bin ein erfolgreicher Türke (Documentary short)
 2012 Ich bin ein Gedicht (Documentary short)
 2012 Ichgola Androgyn (Documentary short)
 2012 Ich liebe große Hüte (Documentary short)
 2012 Kings of Porn (Documentary short)
 2012 Klatschreporter (Documentary short)
 2012 Knut ist gut (Documentary short)
 2012 Mein Preussenpark (Documentary short)
 2012 Missbraucht, Polizist und Mörder (Documentary short)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Filme (Documentary short)
 2012 Mit Speck fängt man Mäuse (Documentary short)
Self (uncredited)
 2012 Mösenmonat März (Documentary short)
 2012 Oberbürgermeister Schütz (Short documentary)
 2012 Peter Raue - Anwalt und Kunstliebhaber (Documentary short)
 2012 Porno Peto Meets the House of Galore (Documentary short)
Self (voice, uncredited)
 2012 Rosas Welt - 70 neue Filme von Rosa von Praunheim (TV Movie documentary)
Self (uncredited)
 2012 Schwestern der Perpetuellen Indulgenz (Documentary short)
 2012 Was ist böse? (Documentary short)
 2012 Werner Schroeter (Documentary short)
Self (uncredited)
 2012 Rosakinder (TV Movie documentary)
 2012 König des Comics (Documentary)
 2008-2011 Durch die Nacht mit... (TV Series documentary)
 2011 Metropolis (TV Series documentary)
- Berlinale 2011: Part II (2011) ... Self
 2011 Rent Boys (Documentary)
Self (uncredited)
 2010 Kurzstrecke (Documentary)
 2010 Anne Will (TV Series)
 2010 New York Memories (Documentary)
Self (uncredited)
 2010 Trace of the Bears (TV Movie documentary)
 2009 Rosas Höllenfahrt (Documentary)
Self (uncredited)
 2009 Paris-Berlin, le débat (TV Series)
- Où en est le cinéma engagé? (2009) ... Self
 2008 Die 30 besten Berlin-Filme (Documentary)
 2008 Sauvages seventies (TV Series documentary)
- La révélation gay (2008) ... Self
 2008 Im Palais (TV Series)
 2008 Sex und 68 (TV Movie documentary)
 2008 Tote Schwule - Lebende Lesben (Documentary)
 2007 Meine Mütter - Spurensuche in Riga (Documentary)
 2007 Mit Olga auf der Wolga (Documentary) (voice)
 2007 Schau mir in die Augen, Kleiner (Documentary)
 2006 NDR Talk Show (TV Series)
- Episode dated 17 March 2006 (2006) ... Self
 2005 Männer, Helden, schwule Nazis (Documentary)
 2005 Nachtstudio (TV Series documentary)
 2003 Zimmer frei! (TV Series)
- Rosa von Praunheim (2003) ... Self
 2003 Charlotte in Schweden (Documentary short)
 2002 Pfui, Rosa! (TV Movie documentary)
 2002 Tunten lügen nicht (Documentary)
Self (voice, uncredited)
 2000 ...mal ehrlich (TV Series)
- Episode dated 3 March 2000 (2000) ... Self
 1999 Berliner Platz (TV Series)
- Episode dated 21 December 1999 (1999) ... Self
 1997 Birth of a Nation (Documentary)
 1997 Peep! (TV Series)
- Episode dated 4 February 1997 (1997) ... Self
 1996 I Was a Jewish Sex Worker (Documentary)
 1996 Die Harald Schmidt Show (TV Series)
- Show #69 (1996) ... Self
 1995 Century of Cinema (TV Series documentary)
- Die Nacht der Regisseure (1995) ... Self (uncredited)
 1991-1992 Explosiv - der heiße Stuhl (TV Series)
- Episode dated 16 November 1992 (1992) ... Self
- Episode dated 10 December 1991 (1991) ... Self
 1992 Talk im Turm (TV Series)
- Episode dated 5 April 1992 (1992) ... Self
 1991 Stolz und schwul (Documentary)
Self (uncredited)
 1990 Die Weisheit (Short)
 1990 Life Is Like a Cucumber (Documentary)
 1990 live - die ZDF-talkshow (TV Series)
- Episode dated 10 May 1990 (1990) ... Self
 1989 Survival in New York (Documentary)
 1988 Freitagnacht (TV Series)
- Episode dated 11 March 1988 (1988) ... Self
 1987 Dolly, Lotte und Maria (Documentary)
 1986 Hier is... Adriaan van Dis (TV Series)
Self - Guest
- Episode dated 26 January 1986 (1986) ... Self - Guest
 1983 III nach neun (TV Series)
- Episode dated 18 March 1983 (1983) ... Self
 1982 Karussell (TV Series)
- Episode dated 2 July 1982 (1982) ... Self
 1982 Bio's Bahnhof (TV Series)
- Episode #1.25 (1982) ... Self
 1981 Unsere Leichen leben noch (Documentary)
 1979 Death Magazine: or How to Be a Flowerpot (Documentary)
 1979 Tally Brown, New York (Documentary)
 1977 Portrait George and Mike Kuchar (Documentary short)
 1977 Der 24. Stock (Documentary) (voice)
 1976 Underground and Emigrants (Documentary)
 1976 Porträt Marianne Rosenberg (Documentary short)
 1973 Je später der Abend... (TV Series)
 1970 Rosa Lillies (Short)
 1969 Schwestern der Revolution (Short)
Self (voice, uncredited)
 1968 Von Rosa von Praunheim (Short)
 1967 Silvo (Documentary short)
Hide Hide Show Show Archive footage (2 credits)
 2020 Im Reich der Filme (Documentary)
 2020 70 Jahre Berlinale (TV Mini Series documentary)
- Die Liebenden von der Spree (2020) ... Self

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