
Credits (text only)

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 2024 Bonhoeffer (completed)
Young Christel Bonhoeffer
 2023 Großstadtrevier (TV Series)
Clarissa Grothe
- Hamburger Elite (2023) ... Clarissa Grothe
 2022 Malibu - Ein Zelt für drei (TV Movie)
 2022 Nord bei Nordwest (TV Series)
- Auf der Flucht (2022) ... Schülerin
 2021-2022 The Peppercorns (TV Series)
Clarissa Grothe
- Der 5-Millionen-Coup (2022) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Stolpersteine (2022) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Lebensretter (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Im Rolli (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Der rote Elefant (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Blaue Flecken (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Hausboot in Not (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Giftige Fässer (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Himbeerkuchen-Hacker (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Die Pfefferspray-Lüge (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Der Thron der Ashanti (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Wahlkampf (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
- Vergiftet (2021) ... Clarissa Grothe (as Charlotte)
 2021 Rauhnächte (TV Movie)
 2021 Die Luft zum Atmen (TV Movie)
Janna (als Kind)

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