
Credits (text only)

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  El Chapo (TV Series) (3 episodes, 2017) (creator - 1 episode, 2017)
- Episode #2.12 (2017)
- Episode #2.10 (2017)
- Episode #2.8 (2017)
- Episode #1.1 (2017) ... (creator)
 2014 The Obscure Spring (writer)
 2012 Broken Eternity (Short) (co-writer)
 2003 Los no invitados (Short) (writer)
 2003 El milagro (Short) (writer)
 2003/I El espejo (Short)
 1999 Ondas hertzianas (Short) (writer)
Hide Hide Show Show Thanks (2 credits)
 2021 Cosas imposibles (thanks)
 2014/I Julia (special thanks)
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 2022 Quienes hacen nuestro cine (TV Series documentary)
- Párpados Azules (2022)

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