
Credits (text only)

Hide Hide Show Show Director (6 credits)
 2020 Sapelo (Documentary)
 2014 Children of the Arctic (Documentary)
 2011 Darwin (Documentary)
 2009 Legacy of the Great Aletsch (Documentary)
 2007 H.R. Giger's Sanctuary (Documentary short)
 2006 Return to Florence (Documentary)
Hide Hide Show Show Cinematographer (6 credits)
 2020 Sapelo (Documentary)
 2014 Children of the Arctic (Documentary)
 2011 Darwin (Documentary)
 2009 Legacy of the Great Aletsch (Documentary)
 2007 H.R. Giger's Sanctuary (Documentary short)
 2006 Return to Florence (Documentary)
Hide Hide Show Show Producer (4 credits)
 2011 Darwin (Documentary) (producer)
 2009 Legacy of the Great Aletsch (Documentary) (producer)
 2007 H.R. Giger's Sanctuary (Documentary short) (producer)
 2006 Return to Florence (Documentary) (producer)
Hide Hide Show Show Editor (3 credits)
 2020 Sapelo (Documentary)
 2014 Children of the Arctic (Documentary)
 2011 Darwin (Documentary)
Hide Hide Show Show Writer (1 credit)
 2006 Return to Florence (Documentary)
Hide Hide Show Show Sound department (1 credit)
 2014 Children of the Arctic (Documentary) (sound)

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