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 1973-1983 Musical TV Theater (TV Series) (conductor - 3 episodes)
- Féltékenység - balgaság (1983) ... (conductor)
- Névtelen hösök (1982) ... (conductor)
- Angelika (1973) ... (conductor)
 1966 Énekóra (TV Movie) (conductor)
 1964 Székelyfonó (TV Movie) (conductor)
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 2017 Neo Yokio (TV Series) (performer - 1 episode)
- A Pop Star of Infinite Elegance (2017) ... (performer: "Don Carlos, Act II: Ascolta" - uncredited)
 1998 Sour Grapes (performer: "Dance of the Hours")
 1985 Rouge-gorge (performer: "La Rhapsodie espagnole")

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