
Credits (text only)

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 1985 Tou qing si xiang pao
Tang Pai-hu
 1982 New York Chinatown
M. A.
 1982 Zei xing
 1981 Ling ye
Chan Chung, gang leader (as Danny Law)
 1980 Lan ming yi tiao
Au Keung
 1978 Bloodfisted Brothers (Guest star) (as Shih-Ching Lo)
 1978 Miss O
 1976 Ai de xiao yu
 1976 Massage Girls
 1976 Chun man Ba Di Ya (as Shih-Ching Lo)
 1975 Bald-Headed Betty (as SIk Ching Loo)
 1974 The Looks of Hong Kong (as Shih-Ching Lo)
Hide Hide Show Show Second Unit Director or Assistant Director (2 credits)
 1982 New York Chinatown (assistant director)
 1981 Ling ye (assistant director)

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