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 2009 Crustacean
Geek Boy
 2007-2009 Star Trek: Odyssey (TV Series short)
President Melantko / Melantko / Klingon Tactical
- Vile Gods (2008) ... President Melantko
- The Lotus Eaters (2008) ... Melantko
- Iliad (2007) ... Klingon Tactical
 2008 Star Trek: The Helena Chronicles (TV Series)
Klingon Officer
- Sanctuary Lost (2008) ... Klingon Officer
 2005-2007 Star Trek: Hidden Frontier (TV Series)
Klingon General / Orion Guard 2
- Things Fall Apart (2007) ... Klingon General
- The Widening Gyre (2006) ... Klingon General
- Vigil (2005) ... Orion Guard 2
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 2009 Crustacean (assistant art director)
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 2008 Star Trek: Odyssey (TV Series short) (special thanks - 1 episode)
- The Lotus Eaters (2008) ... (special thanks)
 2008 Star Trek: The Helena Chronicles (TV Series) (special thanks - 1 episode)
- Obsessions (2008) ... (special thanks)

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