Lila Titone
- Actress
Lila Titone was the wife of Joseph Titone, a Florida disbarred lawyer in 1992. She was a school teacher and married Joe Titone in NYC where they lived before coming to Florida, Coral Springs, where Jackie Sandler her actor daughter grew up. Lila became a housewife & Business partner to husband Joe where they bought Property together & collected rents right up till today where they both own rental properties.
Lila and Joe Titone had a 5 year messy Florida divorce (1992-1995) that was trashed through the Ft Lauderdale papers and ended up costing Joe & Lila a few hundred thousand each! Lila raised 4 children; 2 girls & 2 Boys and went through some difficult times when her husband left her with 4 small children to raise on her own. Joe Titone and his parents hid money from Lila and she had to hire a skilled divorce lawyer to find the hidden money in his parents bank accounts in NY. Lila landed on her feet when her daughters did very well; one marrying Adam Sandler & Alexandra becoming a doctor. She currently lives in Ft Lauderdale on the beach and is close to her children where her husband is exactly the opposite and is estranged from them because of his philandering before and after their divorce.