Ekaterina Asmus
- Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
- Set Decorator
- Writer
Ekaterina Asmus was born in Leningrad, USSR, now she live in Boston. Her childhood was spent in Lebanon, where her father taught students the mathematics in the University. Then her family returned back to the Leningrad.
About that period Ekaterina wrote the book "The law of the obedience".
Ekaterina graduated the mathematics school at 1984, but she didn't want continue this education and had go to the show business. She had work as show and concert administrator. About this period she wrote a novel "All this rock-n-roll".
Ekaterina had work in the movie industry since 2000 year. She was assistant and took part in the creation more than 20 Russian movies and series. Since 2010 year she began write a books. Some Russian productions companies ( Lenfilm, Russian Screen, RFG) had interest to her creative.
Now she is the screenwriter. Also she is author of books.