Poll: Made in Manhattan: George Cukor

120 Years ago, George Cukor was born July 7, 1899, in Lower East Side, Manhattan, New York City. The only son of Hungarian-Jewish immigrants, he embraced the ways of the new world his parents came to and shunned the traditions of his family's past. As a child, Cukor appeared in several amateur plays and at the age of seven he performed in a recital with David O. Selznick, who in later years became a mentor and friend. Infatuated with the theater, he often cut classes at DeWitt Clinton High School to attend afternoon matinees. Little did he know was, that it would be the path to the entertainment industry in California, where George would ultimately achieve success. Before that would happen however, Broadway was in his immediate future. He did well there and in late 1928 when Hollywood began to recruit New York theater talent for sound films, he would ultimately sign a contract with Paramount Pictures. He moved to California and worked as a dialogue coach along with other miscellaneous tasks for the studio. After moving up the ranks and doing some directing work, Cukor eventually would end up in a legal dispute with Paramount Executives over an accreditation on a movie and left with a settlement in hand and a new position at RKO Pictures. That's where he started to shine. From this list of approximately half of his directorial credits, which one is your favorite? After voting, please discuss here.


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