• Pinocchio is my favorite movie since I was a child. We can learn many important things that we living for a human from this movie. For example, we donft tell a lie, we don't escape toward an easy thing and what we have courage and so on. I'll never forget the goddess of star say One lie leads to another, and you don't cover the lie in the end. I felt that I don't wont to tell a lie in my childhood. My favorite scene is the scene where Pinocchio go help his father Gepetto in the sea. I think that it is brave of him to fight with a monster whale because he helps his father. And I was impressed with cricket of Pinocchio's conscience. He always helps Pinocchio and lead Pinocchio for good way. It is superb what the goddess of star is always watching Pinocchio in the night sky too. I rated this movie at 9/10.