
  • Despite contrary reviews by people who just don't "get it," this brilliant piece of sexy reverie just might be the greatest American movie ever made. Really, think about it: classic American Storyline: with dreams of success, a band travels to LA to "make it." But just like America, the dream has no guarantees and people will fall in the race to the top. And beyond the storyline, the film itself: post-WWII pin-up photographer Russ Meyer, after struggling thru low-budget indie productions, gets major studio backing to take his vision to the highest heights. Only in America! Folks, this movie *IS* America. Its dreams and seductive promises for success; its unfortunate treatment of losers in the game; its sex: for money and as a ladder to success; its slimy lawyers and insane artists. And on and on. Many people seem to hate this movie; maybe that's because the best absurdist humor like this always has a biting truth behind it. Part of that biting truth being that a major studio can be equally seduced into giving someone like Meyer a chance with a big budget. By the way, Meyer's use of 20CFox's theme fanfare during the decapitation was a double-edged sword: to make humorous a vicious act, and as Meyer's statement to Fox that, "Hey, you guys gave me the money to do this!"