
  • Warning: Spoilers
    Okay, okay, so it may have something to do with the fact that I was about ten years old when I saw this movie, but to me it still remains the most traumatizing piece of cinematographically inflicted horror ever to cross my path.

    Even now, twenty years later, I still regard realistically shaped dolls with paranoid suspicion...

    Short summary of the plot: a dozen or so people are making a boat trip through the Bermuda Triangle. Among them a little girl, who to her delight finds a doll floating in the water. At her request the doll is rescued, so to speak, and then doom strikes and innocent ten year old Dutch boys who happen to be watching are scarred for life.

    A flock of birds attacks the girl, who defends herself by beating them off with the doll. Once they have fled, the crew finds dead birds on the deck, their heads bitten off. The doll has blood around her mouth. And, oh horror, she blinks.

    A crewman repairing the ship's helix is cut to pieces when the engine mysteriously is turned on.

    An underwater expedition to a sunken city ends in disaster when the buildings collapse on top of the divers.

    During a heavy storm, the crew and passengers see a ship passing by in the distance, sending morse signals that reveal it's a ship that has been missing for a hundred years.

    And so on, and so on.


    So, maybe if I'd see it again today, it wouldn't hold up anymore to the critical eye of a 21st century adult. Who cares. The impression will last forever.