
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The line that the poster below mentions may explain why Bruce Willis does not see other ghosts, etc. (SPOILER) But it DOES NOT explain how he "lived" for a year without wondering why nobody could SEE HIM! He lived for a year without ANYONE ever speaking to him? Without EVER trying to say anything to his wife besides "are you gonna get that?" I don't buy it. The twist ending is implausible, no matter how you slice it.

    Furthermore, the romantic sub-plot is once again underdeveloped and secondary, just a filler for the erroneous twist ending. We could've seen a little more development of the lack of their marriage (showing how he was inhumanly busy for a year, etc.)

    The script was recycled from "The Shining", a much better film as far as acting, cinematography, music, development of the characters, and most other aspects go. Save your money and rent that classic instead of this fluff.