
  • I have never seen a movie turned into such a piece of garbage by one character. I don't mean Adam Sandler the actor, I mean the way over the top way his character was presented. I've never seen such extreme overplaying of a character. He's a whining, stammering, bent-over, fidgeting, totally annoying basket case of humanity with his long hair plastered down over his face, and on and on. It was like the creators of the movie stayed up way too late dreaming up ways to make this character pathetic.

    This might have been an ok movie, but every time Sandler's character came into a scene (most scenes), I just cringed by the pathetic overacting. After seeing this movie, I hated Sandler for a while until I recalled him in The Water Boy, a movie I enjoyed. It wasn't Sandler so much as the incredibly stupid way he was directed and how his character was designed.

    There was a lot to like about the movie otherwise, but that character kept coming in so often, that the overall enjoyment of the movie was completely ruined.

    I guess you might like Little Nickey if you enjoy the sights and sounds of a shivering miniature poodle that won't stop whining and barking for a second. On second thought the poodle isn't as obnoxious.

    Words fail me. This movie totally stank thanks to that one character.