• Yes, the first three seasons were great, I'll admit to that. But ever since Nancy McKeon announced that she was pregnant and had it incorporated into her character, the show started to suck. When Nancy McKeon was absent, which resulted in her Jinny character also being absent for those 3 or 4 episodes, the show sucked big time, and I'll bet thousands of my hard earned dollars that during those Roma Downey episodes in which Nancy McKeon/Jinny Exstead was completely absent, the show took a major nosedive in the Neilsen's ratings as never before seen on any TV show of any kind to date. If Nancy McKeon were to leave this show for good, it'll totally ruin this show so bad that it'll put it from the top 15 or 20 shows on basic cable to the very, very bottom 5 in the Neilsen's rating for basic cable shows. Let's hope that Nancy McKeon doesn't decide to do something as bold-headed or dimwitted as leave this show for good. It would make this show totally suck, big time.

    And also, this show took some ratings dive when Tracey Needham left the show and Amy Jo Johnson took over. I just can't stand to see Raina as Nate's partner at all. It sucks badly enough. And Amy Jo Johnson's Stacey character is the worst character I've ever seen on T.V. to date. Amy Jo Johnson has to be the worst, and I mean worst, actress I've ever seen to date. Amy Jo Johnson couldn't even act well on Felicity. What makes you think she's gonna pull this one off. Amy Jo Johnson is the worst actress ever, period. John Hamm is not the best of them, either. Taraji P. Henson acts too much like a tomboy version of Hillary Duff, and Lisa Vidal is just too soft. The only good actresses on this show, period, are Nancy McKeon and Bonny Bedelia, and the former Tracey Needham, who's no longer there. That's why this show is beginning to suck. If Nancy McKeon were to leave, that would leave Bonny Bedelia as the only sole good actress to hold the show together. People just don't buy up Lisa Vidal's, John Hamm's, Taraji P. Henson's, or Amy Jo Johnson's acting ability or personality at all. Most people would think those 4 suck, as well. Yes, Deborah Joy Levine brought in Amy Jo Johnson because she was a Power Ranger and on Felicity, but she also brought in one of the worst actresses known. Amy Jo Johnson just can't bring her character to life, leaving a very hollow Stacey for us to be forced into viewing. If Jinny/Nancy McKeon leaves, we'll all be forced into viewing nothing but very hollow, not well acted detectives. Magda will definitely go from being good because she was with Jinny to being another very hollow character.