
  • I have enjoyed most of Sandler's movies and therefore expected to like this one, too, especially since the word of mouth was good.

    However, I found it so bad that I stopped watching in the middle.

    Although every movie takes liberties with reality, some of them go too far. This is one of them, and that's the primary reason I disliked it.

    To begin with the 82-year-old man who freezes to death at the top of Mt. Everest could not be lifted off by a helicopter. No helicopter ever made can hover at that altitude. There might not even be one that can fly at that altitude.

    Secondly, Sandler's character reveals a blackened foot that had been severely frostbitten years ago and invites the butler to wail on it with a fireplace poker. He can't feel the pain. Okay, fine, but that doesn't mean beating on the foot with a heavy iron bar wouldn't damage it.

    Then we see Sandler's character climbing the side of a building to save a woman whose apartment is on fire. How could he possibly be so agile with such a damaged foot? That's a rhetorical question because, of course, he couldn't.

    Lastly, Winona Ryder's character, a tabloid journalist, poses as an ordinary person in order to get close to Sandler's character and secretly record his activities with a hidden camera. Yet the tape we see was shot from positions she couldn't possibly have been in. (Like three stories high in the case of the apartment fire.)

    And it defies credibility that Sandler's character doesn't figure out after the first incident that Winona Ryder's character did the taping defies credibility.

    This movie is a real stinker. I gave it a 1.