• ...but it felt like torture watching this thing. Now, I admit, I'm not a very big Sandler fan. Honestly, I don't know how he became the cash cow he is in Hollywood. But seeing him on talk shows and having been blown away by Punch Drunk Love, I tend to think there actually is something going on beneath the goofy, lovable frat-boy veneer. But good luck trying to find it in this movie.

    I don't want to get too critical here--the real reason I had to write this is that the person before me wrote six or seven paragraphs on this movie and I was dumbfounded--this movie isn't even worth that much effort. It is so poorly made, from the acting (Turturro an exception as always)to the flat, lifeless cinematography. I really hate the way both Steven Brill and Peter Segal shoot their movies--completely unimaginative and frustratingly boring.

    I'm sure they keep a fun and lively set going but come on, the images in front of me need some life too. This movie was at times painful to watch--as I do like Winona Ryder and most all the actors involved in this. But it almost seemed like stunt casting (let's get some great actors from independent movies [inexpensive] and give them nothing to do but act out poorly devised stereotypical roles that are supposed to hark back to Capra films)--none of the actors seemed comfortable, especially Winona... ugh...

    You have talent Adam, don't be afraid to loosen your creative control and get a decent writer and/or director every once in a while to remind folks.