• 13 October 2003
    I found this to be a very good and worthwhile movie for several reasons. The cast is top notch and does very well. The story is a somber story which personally I found to be very interesting. In the extra features on the DVD the writer/director says he is not trying to convey a specific message but to present an absorbing story and give one something to think about. While it is true that all these lead actors are among my favorites I still think it is a great movie. It is a drama so you should be prepared to reflect a bit on it as you watch it, there isn't a lot of things blowing up and people getting killed, it's the type of movie that requires good writing and acting rather than special effects, altho, the cinematography is really great and by a notable expert in the field. If you have respect for any of these actors, or good acting, or an absorbing story that gives you something to think about, or good filming, you should like this story.