• As it says: "The story of a fire captain who lost eight men in the collapse of the World Trade Center and the editor who helps him prepare the eulogies he must deliver." Read this sentence and you don't have to watch it.

    I watched this movie and i felt bad because i wasn't able to pay attention. I saw a man talking, but i couldn't get what he was talking about.

    It says the movie wasn't supposed to tell about heros. So why did they pick them though? The only reason i should have cry was the fact, it makes "the guys" so absolutely unspecial. Explanation for my opion might be not being American. But i have seen other movies about 9/11, and they made me cry because the imagination i was able to make was kicking in. It seems to me as this movie has no main conclusion. Is this movie about how New York feels, how the relevant people feels, how fireman feels? I still don't get it. I'm very sorry for having this opinion, and this makes me angry, because abusing this theme is just bad. When i watch a movie i don't expect feeling guilty for seeing two people just sitting there and go like blahblah.