• This film is one of the best documentaries I have ever seen. Mr. Levine is able to open your eyes as well as your hearts to the nightmare these girls live everyday. It stirred such an emotion in me that I immediately wanted to be in Nepal to help save these young girls from the brutalities they face on a daily basis. It is beautifully written, superbly and dangerously filmed, an editing masterpiece and the music blends all the incredible pieces together magnificently. When a director is able to make an audience weep from the story he/she is telling then they have done what they have set out to do. I don't believe I saw one dry eye come out of this film. Mr. Levine did such an incredible job representing the horrors of the sex slave trade and these girls, that it causes tears, chills, anger, guilt, hope and a sense of longing to come to these young girls aid. I can't wait to see what Mr. Levine has for us next.