• In re the previous viewer's comment on the romance in this series, IMHO the romance was always secondary to the mystery. The reason to watch this show is not for romance! Watch it for the homage paid to classic films, the wit, and the charm. The pilot episode alone was a delicious screwball comedy of confused identities. When Steele referenced an old movie I hadn't seen I would rush off next day to the video store to rent it -- although I confess I still have not managed to sit through all of The Yakuza! Michael Gleason's creation was an amalgam of great old movie characters: Cary Grant's John Robie in "To Catch a Thief"; Grant's multiple-named character in "Charade"; a little bit of Bogart and even a touch of Jimmy Stewart. I watched this show religiously at a time when I could hardly stand to watch anything on TV (and other than Foyle's War and the Hornblower series I pretty much avoid the boob-tube altogether nowadays)- so many episodes were wonderfully scripted and directed: Steele Away With Me, Steele Your Heart Away, Steele Belted, License to Steele, Altared Steele, and my favorites with the archvillain Major Descoin. I sure hope that when the show finally makes an appearance on DVD that the ENTIRE series is published, and not just a "best of" set.