
  • Not much to say really. Deneuve and Bowie are posh vampires, the latter is dying so they try to get help from scientist Sarandon. At least that's what I think it was about.

    After a while it gets horribly pretentious, ignoring plot or character development in favour of curtains blowing in the wind accompanied by piano music. At least half of the film appears to have been filmed in slow motion, or maybe it's just that the actors sleepwalk through the length of the film. Those brave enough to sit through the whole thing will be rewarded with an ending that must have been some stock footage from an episode of Tales from the Crypt.

    Is there any reason to see The Hunger? Perhaps if you're desperate to get some sleep, or if you fancy some brief moments of lesbian vampire action. Other than that, it's pretty pointless. [1/10]