
  • Warning: Spoilers
    When I saw the trailer of the movie I was super hyped to see this film. And I was not wrong. From the very beginning the movie sucked me in and with the great acting of Demi Moore & Dennis Quad combined with the fantastisc camera shots and, humor and the real life struggle of celebrities (but also normal people) getting older and forgotten I was going to see a masterpiece.

    I don't know why, but in the last half hour the movie turned completely and where other body horror movies still remain great and cult, this one turned into a disgusting and extremely fake one. Until now I cannot imagine what the director and writers were thinking and what their purpose was to turn the movie this way. It definitely deserverd a better and more realistic einding.

    Like I said, story, acting and purpose if the first 1:30 hour was a ten, the last part was a 1 for me.

    Missed chance for what could have been a oscar winning piece in some way perhaps.