• Everywhere you hear the phrase "I see dead people". This goes to show how popular the movie is.

    The basic story is Malcolm Crowe (Bruce Willis) Is a child psychiatrist that goes on one more try and chooses a new child Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) to help with his tendency to see dead people.

    After watching the movie, the first time, you will want to watch it again to see the clues you missed. It was well shot so you will be surprised at the movie from view of seeing it a second time with what you know.

    M. Night Shyamalan seems to borrow his stories from existing books or movies. The claim is that this is original. Not sure where this one came from but it is suggested The Lady Vanishes (1938) ("Are You Afraid of the Dark?" season 3 episode 10.)

    Bruce Willis brings this story to life.