• Ah yes. What can I say about this movie? It was total propaganda and gave you the strong impression that countries outside of the U.S.A are pretty backwards and in desperate need of America to come in and kick some butt. Despite this film's political insensitivity, I really enjoyed it. I think back to the 80's fondly and remember when everything was black and white. There were the good guys and there were the bad guys. Chuck Norris essentially plays Superman in this film using his martial arts skills to avoid every bullet and destroy all evil doers who dare cross his path. Hi ya!! Drago plays the bad drug lord who is so completely over the top wicked that some of his actions warrant an unintentional laugh. I was half expecting Drago to start killing nuns and the pope, just in case the audience wasn't convinced of his absolute wickedness. During this entire film, there was no doubt that Drago was eventually going to be vanquished by the mighty Chuck. You gotta love it.

    This is a fun and predictable action film. It has some great stunts and some unfortunate deaths as a result. My only complaint is that in one stunt you can clearly see the parachute under the bad guy's shirt. It's not that I don't endorse safety, I just wish they would have done some better editing. Don't look for academy award material here and you should be entertained. As a concluding note, I miss the catchy theme song from the original. That was a cool theme.