• They should have changed the name of this program to "Ahmad Rashad & Reggie Miller's Show" a long time ago. I remember when NBA Inside Stuff first premiered back in 1990, as a kid I used to get up and channel surf on Saturday mornings. Invariably I would come across this show with Ahmad Rashad and the stunning and leggy Julie Moran, who remains my favorite sexy co-host (too bad she was only on for a year). Julie Moran we miss you! I will say that Summer Sanders is a great replacement for Willow Bay though, and not just because of her looks.

    It seems like every other episode is about the overrated Reggie Miller and the lame Indiana Pacers. Somethings haven't changed in 15 years, because 80% of the shows are still about the over the hill Reggie Miller and the eternally boring Indiana Pacers. If that much air time was committed to Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson or Larry Bird I could totally understand it, or even Shaquille O'Neal. But Reggie Miller? WTF was/is that all about? Just like in 1990, the show is still slanted towards covering the east coast teams (which if you follow the NBA you know that Eastern Conference teams have been AWFUL since the late 80s), the Indiana Pacers, the New York Knicks, the New Jersey Nets, the Philadelphia 76ers, the Boston Celtics, all terrible basketball teams both in 1990 and still today in 2005. It will always be an east coast mentality in the world of sports, and especially with Ahmad Rashad and NBA Inside Stuff. While the show could be informative at times, they would nearly always pick obscure Eastern Confrence players and devote a couple of segments to them and how they are helping out some inner city youth league by donating time and money to them. Back then it was always about Dee Brown, Xavier McDaniel, Horace Grant or some other lukewarm early 90s Eastern Conference star, today it's a never ending series about Vince Carter, Jason Kidd or once AGAIN all about Reggie Miller and his ass ugly 6'10 man-sister.

    Ahmad Rashad still remains the biggest suck up in sports, everyone who is a star in the NBA and any other sport for that matter is "his main man". Everyone is Rashad's "main man". Remember how embarrassing he would get with his ass kissing of Michael Jordan back in the early 90s? Yeah well somethings never change.