• Private investigator Harry D'Amour must stop a supernatural cult from raising Nix, a man with god-like powers, who was killed 13 years before hand. Now he's back, and he must save illusionist Philip Swann and his wife, Dorothea. Clive Barker's "Lord of Illusions" may not be his ultimate masterpiece, but it sure is an entertaining horror film. Pretty good performances from most of the lead cast members, though Kevin J. O'Connor was a little wooden as Philip Swann. The make-up effects, courtesy of the boys at KNB FX, are really cool, and there's enough gore (My favorite being the messy "sword accident" scene) to satisfy horror fans. The visual effects were also very well-done for the most part.

    An enjoyable, well-done horror film overall. Not a masterpiece but gory, fun and often imaginative. Worth a viewing.
