• I grew up on this show! It was THE ONLY show that we waited to watch, and never missed an episode of. THIS WAS AND IS QUALITY TV PROGRAMMING.

    When is someone going to realize the goldmine available in restoring and releasing this classic on DVD, ESPECIALLY the complete core years. Much of what has been released is poor-fair quality and UNRESTORED.

    Please, someone restore and release the original episodes of this show.

    This is the kind of show that teaches our children morality and compassion, something that is sorely missing in TV today.

    Let your children learn what quality TV is.

    Give your children an alternative to the current trend comprised of 'Urban Lifestyle' shows and let them learn what a real high quality of life and morality is so that they have an alternative to believing that 'Urban Life' is 'Quality Life'.

    Remember, most of the TV show creators and producers do not care what a show teaches your children, All They Care About Is Creating A Show That Makes Them Money. Money Is Their Driving Force, As Parents, The Quality Of Life For Your Children Should the Driving Force Behind Everything You Do For Your Children.