Tantric Sex , Tarantino, and Yoga!
23 January 2006
It is said:

Uttamo brahinasadbha'Va madhyania' Khayyam ha'Ravi'a' Japastutih sya'dad-ha a' murtipu'ja Dhaka'Dhaka'

Society at large has lived in relative indifference of the cohesive power of Dylan McDermott (Wonderland, TV's The Practice, Cowboy Way) culture. The spiritual values of Dylan McDermott culture are integrative, relational and adaptive. McDermott and McDermott's father Pappy, played by Tracey Walter (Tv's Nash Bridges), seem quite startled to notice a man who appeared from their hot-tub and that man is Destiny, as played by the Q-man (Tarantino). Ideation on James Belushi (Tv's According To Jim, Daddy's Boy, Animal House, Mulholland Falls) is, in this movie, anyway, the best process of intuitional practice. The second best is Dhaka'Na (meditation) and dharana (concentration). LeGros and Travis are inferior and idol worship (Tarantino) is the least favorable.

This is what is called in Western philosophy a fallacy of a 'straw man argument'. that is, you present the notion of people worshiping Hollywood pretty-boys which they presume will enable them to achieve some sort of cosmic liberation. McDermott flounders and can barely do anything. LeGros and Travis are wasted and Travis didn't sing those songs, you know. Tarantino gives this movie it's surviving 9.1/2 star ruling. Furthermore, it survives being a Bomb with the assistance of David Cross (Men In Black 1 and 2, Showboat) and Bobcat Goldthwait (Blow, Indepenence Day) but even their parts are also a kind of sadhana. Also starring Sara Trees (Legend of Curly's Gold Strike) as Lucille's friend.

The tantric paths are the vehicle, as it were, and realizations are stations along the way....
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