• I've loved this since I first saw it overseas, subtitled in Spanish!! Very funny without having to think to hard, but if you connect the dots and pay attention, there is a payoff...either off the cuff comments having some deeper meaning to the theme, or criss crossing comments that you have to catch the irony of, and you'll miss if you don't pay attention.

    I've watched this many times through, and still love finding new comedic nuances they throw in...though some are very broad and you don't have to "look" at all--they practically slap you upside the head!!

    Tea Leoni is her funny,sometimes smart, sometimes awkward,and always very winsome self. Holland Taylor (who plays the mother on two and a half men) is brilliantly typecast as the snobby mother of the snobby son on whom Ginny has the crush AND of the down-to-earth son played by D.W. Moffet, who is charming beyond words as the one who catches on to Ginny's charade. He really makes the zingers zing...The chemistry he has with Tea is undeniable. Between the two of them, you really get pulled in to the fun that never gets sappy.

    Sure wish I could buy it!!