
  • Warning: Spoilers
    I rented this and watched it around midnight a couple years ago. This film, like "Poltergeist," has contributed a line to the eternal world of cinema: "I see dead people." I will not spoil this for someone that has not seen it. My comments are on the craftsmanship that is this film. It starts with Haley Joel Osment, who will go down as one of our great child actors. He has the vulnerability and pain that expresses itself so well. His continual bouts with his "gift" bring him more pain. He gets an ally in Bruce Willis's character, and they begin to face things together. Unfortunately, like most movies that present something supernatural, a set of rules apply to the world and it these rules that make it fairly easy to pull this down. However, I would rather have them craft it as best they can than try to keep consistent in every aspect. Like "Memento" which I saw pretty close to the same time, I don't want to think too much or the fine fabric of the film starts to unravel. How's that for cowardice?