
  • I can't even begin to describe how bad this movie is. Even Dennis Hopper sucks here.

    The writing is full of clichés and lacks any good or solid storyline, the direction is sloppy and amateur, the acting (by ALL actors) is simply crappy, they look like it's their first time in front of the camera (for some of them this is probably true, for some I hope it will also be the last), the camera work is over-dramatic and very non-original. The stereotypes are unsurprisingly boring (a clothing designer? he's gay! a black young man? he's a rapper! a french man? he's arrogant! how original!), the music is bombastic and inappropriate, and worst of all - nothing here is scary, frightening or even thrilling. Hell, nothing here is even INTERESTING.

    They should show this movie at film schools to tech you how NOT to make a film.

    oh but the editing is quite alright.