Remember how wildly popular this one was when it came out? "Wayne's World" didn't completely live up to all of the hype, but it's not a bad little comedy. Mike Myers and Dana Carvey are great as Wayne Campbell and Garth Algar, co-hosts of a basement-based cable access show. The duo seem to have it made when their show hits the commercial airwaves, but there might just be something sinister behind it all with executive Benjamin Kane (Rob Lowe) in charge.
"Wayne's World" is not generally uproarious, but it certainly has its moments (the backstage scene with Alice Cooper, portraying the leather-clad rocker and his bandmates as political sophisticates, is hilarious). Myers' act wears a bit thin as the film proceeds, and the "serious" stretch in which Wayne seemingly loses his girlfriend and best friend just doesn't fit. But even when it's not funny, "Wayne's World" is usually reasonably entertaining and charming. Carvey's bizarre Garth is one of the highlights, along with some memorable parodies and writing.
Based on the popular "Saturday Night Live" sketch, "Wayne's World" is definite period piece of the early 1990s. Its catchphrases ("... not!" and "Schwing!" among them) were repeated millions of times over by teenagers. It spawned a less-successful sequel, and although there was talk of a third installment, it's almost a certainty we've seen the last of Wayne and Garth. Nevertheless, party on!
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